Chapter 1: Phones and Mayhem

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It was the best show yet, but sadly it was the last show of the tour before Pierce the Veil was going to Europe. There where only a few songs left before the concert was over. Rachel wished the concert would never end, but like all good things it had to. 

After the show, Rachel was determined to get a picture with Vic, her favorite of PTV. So she did what any good fangirl would do she snuck out to the backstage Exit. Unfortunately she wasn’t the only one who had the same idea. 

An hour later the band finally came out of the venue. They guys signed a few autographs took a few selfies with fans as they were heading for their cab. Rachel was missing her chance! With a lot of of pushing and shoving she was able to reach Vic. But, like in all the great stories tragedy struck her phone died. She was almost about to cry, until Vic came to her rescue  and wiped out his own phone and took the picture. As corny as it sounds he said “I’’ll post this on twitter later for you, don’t worry darling you’ll be ok!” with a big smilie on his face. Rachel couldn’t help but laugh. Some fangirls where getting really inpatient and shoved Rachel into Vic’s chest. As they collided they both dropped their phones. They reached down and picked up a phone, hoping it was their own. 

Rachel was separated from Vic by a stampede of other girls. She decided she would go back home, she would never be able to approach the band again. As she was walking to the spot where she said she would meet up with her parents a cab flew past her. The cab was full of band members and heading to the nearest airport. 

( I didn’t to make the first chapter too long, so I hope you are enjoying it so far!)-M

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