This is for Dashy

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Okay,everyone that's Dashy-Is-Fabulous's friend, this is for you. If you happen to send Dashy a message, just know, she left for a while so she won't be able to answer. Don't think she's ignoring you. She's really not, in fact it pains her to leave you guys but she also wants to spend time with her family. She has a life outside Wattpad, let her live it. If you're really her friend, you would understand and wait for her to come back. All of this stuff about unfriending, just because people want to live their lives outside this app. It's not like they aren't coming back. If they weren't, they would have told you. So please, none of that. Let her be. When she comes back, we'll be happy and she can talk to all of you again. Ultimate_Sontails and I have already agreed to wait for her and tell you guys about it. Oh and one more thing, she has a request for you guys:
No matter what, just keep smiling. Something I always say. Smile. Well, thanks for reading, (that's if you did). Bye.
Dashy, we'll be waiting for you

 Dashy, we'll be waiting for you

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