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Hi guys,
this is the translation from the last Malec OS for the contest from MalecLovely . I gave my best and I hope you enjoy it.

I apologize for gramma and spelling mistakes.

Thick snowflakes were tumbling down from the grey sky and suffocated all the sounds of the big city.

The only sound, that disturbed the silence of the room was the quiet snoring of a black-haired young man. He had curled up on the couch, the book he had been reading, before falling asleep, was still on his lap.

It was the night from 24th to 25th December. A night in which magical, unexplainable things happened. But Alec Lightwood did not believe in magic. Sometimes fate finds strange ways to prove our mistakes.

Alec had spent the day with his family and had finally returned to his house. Tired and rather exhausted he snuggled up with a good book on the sofa and read. At some point, Alec's eyelids drooped shut and he fell asleep.

It all began with a rustle, as if by a mouse flittering over the ground. It was followed by a strange rumbling from the chimney.

And then suddenly a tall, lean person landed on the living room floor. Alec always had a particularly light sleep and jumped up immediately, causing the book to fall on the floor.

Alec blinked and recognized the outline of a person.

In his house.

Right away, Alexander threw himself at the burglar and pressed him face down to the ground.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"Alec asked slowly and with dangerous undertone. Adrenaline pulsed through his veins and the tiredness was long gone.

"Isn't that obvious?" asked a deep, well-sounding voice right under him, apparently annoyed.

So far Alexander hadn't had time to look at the intruder. The fabric under his fingers felt soft and somehow fluffy. In addition, the burglar seemed to wear a kind of red cloak with a hood.

A red coat.


But- Alexander tore his eyes open. "Oh my God! Are you santa clause? "

"Score one for you. Mr. Genius" Replied the intruder, " and now I would appreciate if you'd let go of me. I have something else to do tonight, although I would love to spend the night in your arms, darling. "

Alec blushed furiously while he pushed himself upward. This situation was so bizarre and unrealistic that Alexander's head was spinning.

With an elegant, flowing movement Santa Clause rose and Alec's jaw dropped to the floor. Santa was no overweight, old man with a grey beard. The man with the red coat was so damn attractive that it seemed to be almost ridiculous.

Santa Clause looked like one of the guys at the front page of his sisters fashion magazines: caramel-colored skin, black hair and remarkable golden eyes with green speckles. His body was lean, but still muscular. He was so breathtaking, that drooling became an issue.

Santa cleared his throat audibly.

Alec winced, he must have stared at him quite conspicuously.

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