Foreign Attractions

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Rennie's POV

I rolled out of bed groggily. I shuffled my way to the bathroom and turned on the hot water in the shower. I caught a glance of myself in the mirror. I look like shit. I stripped off my pajamas and hopped into the shower, arching my back as the scorching hot water beat down on me. I held my head underneath the showerhead for awhile and slowly reached over to grab the shampoo. Slowly lathering up the white substance into my curly dark locks, then moving on to the rest of my body. After what seemed like hours, I stepped out of the shower, dried myself, and continued my hygiene regiment before heading back to my room to get dressed.

I pulled out whatever I could find in my closet and threw it on sloppily. Stuffing my soccer cleats and school supplies into my bag as I went to go greet my mom. She exchanged a smile as I waved lazily at her, plopping myself down on the couch. She grabbed some toast and said,

"Let's get going, I'm not gonna be late over you." I groaned in protest and willed myself off the couch.

Getting real tired of your bullshit school.

She dropped me off in front of the campus, my car has yet to be fixed. I went in and made my way to 1st period. I sat at my desk and waited for class to start. I was definitely not feeling today. The teacher stepped up to the front with some kid next to him He's kinda.. you know. Hot. I shook off those gay thoughts. I'm no faggot. I'm so straight it's...well.. you get the point! "We have a new student. He came from Romania," The kid stepped up. "My name is Pompiliu Pop." His accent was thick and sounded like he was a tad bit displeased.

What a..weird.. name...

The teacher looked around to find him an empty seat and there just so happened to be one next to me.


"You can sit there, Pomp...Pompiliu?" He said stumbling over his name.

He just nodded, his face was expressionless and blank. I can't tell what he's thinking. That bothers me a little. But what can I really do about that? Not a damn thing. He sat down across from me and I stole a glance at him, he caught me.

"What?" He said bluntly.

"Nothing.. Nice to meet you though Pompie." I smirked.

"It's Pompiliu, if you can't say it right don't even bother. I won't tolerate your american stupidity." He said coldly, turning his attention toward the front.

"Tch." I scoffed, placing my chin in my palm. What crawled up his ass?

Pompiliu's POV

I don't like it here. Why did we even move here? These americans are unbearable. They butcher my name and not to mention that stupid nickname this fellow next to me has stuck to me. Pompie, he says. My mother didn't name me Pompie, she named me Pompiliu. I feel like such an outsider here, like I wasn't meant to be here, no one even asked for my opinion on the move, I was just plopped here. I know my sister will and most has adjusted well, she's the social butterfly between us. I rather just, be alone. I don't do well in making friends.

I looked out the window, I felt the his gaze on me, I chose to to ignore it. The sun's rays were so bright and blinding. It's mesmerizing. I could look outside all day rather than listen to this teacher drone on and on about this nonsense lesson. I sighed heavily and turned back to the front, then the blaring of the bell almost made me jump out of my skin.

That's obnoxious.

As I was just about to grab my bag, a herd of girls surrounded me.

I don't like this.

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