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"So, we will go to this place tomorrow morning. Did you get me?" Professor Riyana Goyenka said to her students in her usual strict tone.

"Yes ma'am!" We all replied in same harmony, on same time.

"Good! Meet me at sharp 3:30am. If we were late, there was no chance to meet with them. It is the deadline of time. Am I making it clear to you?" She said in her strict voice, again.

"YES MA'AM!" With same energy we responded her again.

Honestly, she treated us like children. Sometime it was good and funny at the same time. But sometimes it was annoying.

Like We are now in 18 years, first year in Biotechnology college of Kolkata. Not kids anymore!

"Now go to your bed as fast as you can. Go go now." She said looking at some of her documents.

We went to our respective rooms obeying her words.  (***)

"Oh God we have to wake up at 2:30am. So there is no meaning of sleeping dear! Let's talk rest of the three hours." My dear best friend Niyati Chatterjee shouted annoyingly.

"No dear we have to sleep as we are all tired, we have many works tomorrow. So being a good girl let's sleep." I replied her with a smile.

"This is not fair yaar (friend)! We are now just in first year and we have nothing to do with this research work on genetics of Jarawa. We are just tourist. Why she expects many things from us!?" She was really annoyed now.

"First of all it is not genetics of Jarawa, it is DNA research of Jarawa tribes; they are researching on 'THE DNA REVOLUTION'." I corrected her.

"Whatever! I just don't care on which they are researching ! I just want to visit this place as a tourist not as a research scholar. What do we understand on this rubbish research? I even have no clear idea of DNA and GENETICS. So how will I understand this project? You know what Srijita Mukherjee, this is a stupid idea of Professor Riyana. We will never get anything from this. But yeah, our health and mind will be hampered." Niyati said angrily.

Now she was really very angry as she said my full name.

"Ok ok my dear just cool down and sleep. Let's just relax. You are hurting yourself with this anger." I started to pet her head and caressed her hair by sitting on her bed.

"No yaar (friend) seriously. They told us that it will be just an excursion tour, but now they are saying we will do a research project with the scholers. Hey, we don't know anything." She looked really upset.

"Silly we are not going to research with them we are just going to observed them. Why are you taking pressure dear! Just sleep now." I said in a soft voice while caressing her hair.

After few minutes of silly argument she went into a deep sleep.

She was really a baby, a 18 years old baby. When I saw her going to a deep sleep I put her head in a pillow slowly ; shifted my hand from her head and went near my bed and lied down on the bed.

I set my alarm on 2:30am and closed my eyes for some sleep.


"We almost reach to our destination." Professor Riyana said to her students, as some of them were sleeping on the bus.

"Thank God. This is really a hectic journey." Niyati said with tired voice.

"Yeah, it's almost 3 hours but still we are in the bus." I was also tired.

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