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Alright ladies and gents, here's to our second weekly contest, hosted by yours truly SmilingActress101

Now before we get started we will be going over the rules which are fairly simple:

R U L E S :

◊ One entry per person
◊ Don't be rude and criticize others entries, they've worked hard
◊ Tag one person you'd think would be interested in joining


T H E G R A P H I C :

Title: The Frost Prince

Subtitle: (Your choice)

Author Name

Style: Manipulated

Genre: Fantasy


D E A D L I N E :

▹ Entries will be due SATURDAY
a.k.a ( 12 - 23 - 17 )

► Winners will be posted SUNDAY
a.k.a. ( 12 - 24 - 17 )


P R I Z E S :
a.k.a. the real reason we're all here


Votes on two of your books + comments
2 Graphics of your choice
Permanent follow
Book of your choice added to my reading list


Votes on one of your books + comments
Graphic of your choice
Book of your choice added to my reading list


Votes on one of your books + comments
Book of your choice added to my reading list


D O N ' T F O R G E T :

Tag us in your entry

❧ If you have any questions, comment below

❧ And lastly, Good Luck!

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