; 13

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I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ears as I set up the camera for my Saturday video. I pressed a black button in the front of the camera to focus the lens. I sat on a stool and did my intro,

“Omfg hey guys” I waved my hands, “It’s Margo and today, I’m going to be talking about the Fashion show that I went yesterday with my sister” I smile to the camera.  I clear my throat and look at the camera, “Okay so yesterday, I ditched school, and it’s my second week of school in Sydney” I roll my eyes and laugh, “My sister called me up and asked me to get ready and things, so I did. We arrived at the venue and man, the models were b-e-a-utiful” I sigh dramatically. I talk about what happened on the runway and things, “Okay so I’m going to put a quick slide show at the end of this video so you could see my talent in photography,” I shrug and chuckle, “So that’s it for this week, I’ll be uploading a new video on Monday after school, maybe” I make a face, “If you like this video, give it a big ol’ thumbs up and if you didn’t, just like it” I waved my hands in front of my face, “Many X’s and O’s bye guys” I say and end the video.

Just as I got my laptop out of my case and sat on my comfy bed, Ashton, Niharika and Abeza came barging in my room, I inhale a sharp breath and close my eyes as I exhale, “You guys can give me a heart attack, god damn” I say as I type in my password. Niharika fiddle with her fingers as she says; “We heard” she stared down at my white carpet. Abeza came and sat next to me, she rubbed my lower back and I looked at her and smile, “Guys, it’s fine. I’m fine, it’s not like I like him or anything” I lied. Ashton and Niharika came and hugged me; we sort of had a small group hug. I chuckled and looked at their sad faces as we pulled apart, “How bout, we have an ice cream party, just the four of us” I smiled, Abeza cleared her throat, “I kind of told Ellie what happened and she wants to Skype with you now” she shoved her phone in front of my face, I lowered her phone and laughed, “Alright then, it’s the five of us then” I said “But after I edit this video and upload it”. They all looked at me with wide eyes, “What?” Ashton says, “I’m a You Tuber” I said simply, like it was nothing. It really was nothing. “Are you serious?! I have a YouTube account too! Well, actually Luke does, but whatever” he scoffed. I laughed and shook my head, “What videos do you make?” I ask while editing my video, “Oh we do covers and we’re actually well known” he blushed while talking to me. I nodded my head and concentrate on editing the video.

We all sat on my brown leathered couch with our 4 tubs of ice cream and 1 virtual tub of ice cream that is held by Ellie through Skype.  We decided to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; apparently it’s our all time favourite movie, I bought Ben & Jerry’s cookie dough ice cream, the rest bought chocolate ice cream. As we were half way through the movie, I heard a door knock. I turned my body around and sigh, “I’ll be back” I said as I pushed myself off from the couch. Marcus came wiggling to me as I was walking to the door, I picked him up and cuddle him with my face as I opened the door, I lifted my head up and Calum was in sight, I tried my best not to scoff. I was about to close the door but being Calum, who is stronger than me, stopped me. He sighed and looked me in the eyes, “Margo, what happened to you yesterday?” he asks, I scoffed and put Marcus down, it barked when Calum tried to come in. I looked back up and started to shake my head, “You know what happen” I say harshly. He looked at me with confuse expression, “Oh come on Calum! Don’t try to act dumb!” I shouted. I could no longer hear the TV on in the background, I know that their listening to our conversation. Calum tried to understand what I was saying but couldn’t, “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about” I scoffed and crossed my arms in front of my chest, “Just go Calum, I don’t want you to ruin my Saturday as well” I slammed the door in his face.

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed, Marcus is still barking at the window. I picked Marcus up and went to the living room where the gang were staring at me with wide eyes. Abeza stood up and sighed, “We’ll just leave you alone. Call us if you want us to come over” she said. I hugged them and said my goodbye to Ellie who was on Skype. I closed the door softly and slide down; I wrapped my arms around my knees and rested my head on my arms. I sniffed and wiped my nose with my sleeves.


It’s been weeks since I last saw Calum, he’s not at school, I asked Ashton where Calum was but Ashton wouldn’t tell me. I tried it on Luke and Michael, but they didn’t answer my question, at all. I slammed my locker; I spun my body around and bumped into a hard thing, more like a hard chest. I rubbed the side of my face and mumbled my sorry. As I looked up, I saw a familiar brown hair and two paired brown eyes, “Calum...” I breathed; he had his arms wrapped around my waist tightly. He smiled down at me, “Margo” he said mockingly, I pushed myself off him and straightened my uniform, “Where have you been?” I asked tucking a piece of my hair to the back of my ears. He leaned against my locker and smirked, “Why so nosy?” I scoffed and pulled my bag higher, “I’m not nosy, I’m just asking” I started to walk away, Calum caught me by the wrist pinned me up against the lockers, I felt cold metal against my back as Calum pressed himself against me, I felt his hot breath against my lips as he breathed in and out. I looked up and saw him looking down on me, “Calum let me go” I tried to wiggle myself out of his grip. Each time I tried, he will just put more pressure on me. “Calum stop” I said in a stern tone. He leaned in and looked at me and he looked down at my lips. He got dangerously close to my lips which cause my breath to be locked up in my throat.


Last thing I know, I felt warm lips on my cold ones. Our lips moved in sync and all I could think of this moment, how I don’t want to stop. My hands automatically wrapped around his neck, he wrapped his arms around my waist once more and pulled me closer. The kiss could go on for years but it didn’t, I heard the bell ring for roll call, I smiled into the kiss and pecked his lips again, “Calum...” I mumbled through the kiss, “We... have... to... go...” I mumbled again. He stopped kissing me and rested his forehead against mine, he sighed and closed his eyes, “Hmm, Margo I wanted to that since the day you bumped into me” he said, I smiled and pecked him on the lips again. We walked to our roll call hands linked together.



oMG I updated!!!!!!

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Love you guys tonsssssssss <345678910

-E xx

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