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Either the prologue or intro.. Here goes nothing.

For eight years Obsidian has been divided between worlds. Steve and Herobrine's. When she was just an infant, Steve broke into his house and kidnapped her, and let her grow up until 16 thinking Steve was her dad. That's when Herobrine decided to take revenge. Obsidian never forgot the haunting day of the quick war. She looked out the window, the door locked from outside, and watched it all happen. It was chaos. Armies of mobs  and Herobrine going against players, her friends. In the front was Steve and Herobrine. Herobrine took his sword and before Steve could react, slashed his neck at the end of the war. It had only lasted for a day, and Steve was down. Nobody knew, but Steve could respawn. He did the next day. When Obsidian would refuse, Herobrine would say, "I killed Steve for you." Steve would say, "I broke into Herobrine's house for you." Every time, Obsidian said, "For bad reasons." And then it would end and Obsidian could sit in her room and have nightmares about the second it took for Herobrine to kill Steve. But she got away from all of that. Partnering with Nellie, they went away and disguised themselves and changed their names. With fox ears and tails, they created the Fox Kingdom. Now everyone thinks Sunny (Nellie, now) and Star (Obsidian, now) are dead. Nobody knows their secret.. Yet.

"Your mother gave birth to you to have humanity. When she knew about your powers, she couldn't handle it. Hero might have said she died from a fire, but she died from suicide. I hate to say this, but it's time you know. She killed herself because of you." With that sentence, Alex walked away. Great,  Sid (Obsidian's nickname) thought. Another thing to haunt me.

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