Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Distress

Time seem to go by slowly, as (Y/n) turns to look at the clock that hung up on the in the kitchen for what seemed like the fourth time, something that she has been doing every five minutes. She felt anxious, normally Arthur would have been home by four but it was seven now, about to be seven thirty to be exact. It was pouring cats and dogs out there and she couldn't help the unpleasent thoughts run through her stressed mind.

What if he was dead? What if Oliver got to him? She shook her head at the thought and let's out a huff of frustration, she can't think negatively,

Florentine was already put to bed, and (Y/n) was sitting by the kitchen counter, eating away an entire countainer of chocolate chip cookies, the container was already half gone, yet she still continued to stuff her face in order to comfort her troubled mind.

'He better come home alive, or I'll kill him myself'

The sound of the door creeking open made the female instantly swallow down the cookie and without a second thought rushed towards the living room. When she cought sight of the male setting his jacket by the coat rack, she threw herself in his arms without hesitation, making Arthur almost fall backwards in surprise.

"What the hell took you so long!?" (Y/n) exclaims as she wraps her arms around his neck, taking in his familiar scent. Arthur slowly glided his arms around her hips and held her smaller frame to his lanky body "I'm so terribly sorry love, today's meeting took longer than usual"

Slowly they both pull away from the embrace but Arthur still had his arms around her waist as her hands rested on his chest "What happened? Nobody got hurt right?" (Y/n) sets a hand to his cheek as she examined his features. He didn't seem to have any scratches on his face much to her relief but he did seem exhausted as the dullness in his dark green eyes were clearly noticeable.

Arthur smiled down at the shorter female, and lightly chuckles at her worried experession. He didn't want to put her in more distress then she already has, but he couldn't help but found it very cute that she cared so much of him "Everyone is alright, there were just little disagreements here and there, but no one got hurt, thank goodness"

This seemed to put (Y/n) a little at ease, considering that the countries don't get along well with their counterpart, it was a miracle that nobody came out of the meeting unscratched. At least she hoped it were that way. But She was glad that Arthur was home, even though she knew deep down that they were not officially together, she couldn't help but feel attached to him. She fell for his charms hard, and the more she spends time with him, the more she feels that she is falling even deeper.

Of course she didn't know how he actually felt about her, she always thought that the only reason he was helping her out is because of the fact that she was on her own to raise a baby. Even though they acted as a couple out in public, and of course to get Oliver to leave her alone, she never knew how he actually thought of her. He treated her kindly and occasionally flirted with her, but he never openly told her that he liked her.

She shook her head at that thought, it would be awkward for her to bring it up, she doubted he even looks at her in that type of way. No matter how painful it is for her, it would be best to just keep to herself in order to protect the bond they share as friends.

With that thought she brakes away from his hold, as a smile forces it's way to her lips "Well I'm glad you're home now, so good night"

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