Epilogue Part One-

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The cool, crisp wind of England bit her cheeks, whipped her short hair back, and nipped at her exposed fingers.

Ash Walkley had moved from America to England practically the moment she'd graduated. She left all of it behind-her parents, her childhood home, the roller rink, the graveyard where her only friends had been buried at the young ages of sixteen. Her only guilt was not being able to place flowers there every Saturday. 

Today was a Saturday, a oddly chilly one as well. Should've been prepared, Ash told herself as she took her only hat out of her bag. It was a cream colored beanie. 

Tugging it on, she brung out her jacket as well, even though it wouldn't help her much. She rubbed her hands togetheer and blew onto them, waiting for her chance to cross the street. 

When it came, she sprinted to her car, and pulled the door open. 

Ash sat in the seat, blasting the heat. She picked up her travel mug of mint tea and sipped at it, listening to the radio. After a moment, she pulled into traffic and delved into the thoughts that she tried to aviod, and yet always came back to. 

They had started maybe a week after her first trip to England. They where the oddest dreams--she felt as though they where real. 

They always had a lot of people--lots of orange and red hair, freckles. A few black, a few white, one bright blue and another purple. 

There never seemed to be any sound, just mouths moving. Sometimes she'd hear voices, but not often enough. And sometimes, she'd remember names. 

Rose, Albus, Joanna, Teddy. Fred. 

Fred was the one that bothered her the most, she thought as she turned onto her road. It felt the most important. 

"Far from home, all alone, but we're so happy." Ash murmured with them as she parked. "Yeah, right." she slammed her car shut. 

"I'm home!" Ash called out into the house. 

"Hey!" Brennan poked his head into the hall as she kicked off her shoes. "Callie and I where just making some food, want some?"

"Nah," Ash pulled her hat off, shaking her head.

"You didn't eat breakfast, and you didn't take the lunch packed or any money, which means the only thing you've eaten today is your tea, which doesn't count," Callie's head appeared underneath Brennans. "Please, Ash. Just a little?"

Ash shook her head. 

"We made pasta!" Callie tried. "Your favorite!"

Ash sighed. "Fine," she relented. Callie and Brennan looked at each other, grinning, happy that she would eat something today. That was better than yesterday. 

"So," Callie swallowed a bit of her pasta. "How was your day?"

"Great," Ash replied, playing with a piece of her food. "I got a A on my essay."

"That's much better than I did," Brennan admits. "I got a C."

"That's not too bad. "Callie shrugged. 

"Where's Justin?" Ash questioned after a minute of silence. Brennan scowled, and Callie grinned. 

"He's out with Olivia." Callie answered. Ash's lips twitched. Brennan immediately stopped scowling; Ash had smiled a bit. He could deal with his sister dating Jess for Ash to smile. 

"What about you two?" Ash put some of the food in her mouth, grimacing as it went down her throat. "When are you guys gonna go out?"

Both of them flushed, avoiding the others eyes. 

"Ash, you know we aren't dating," Callie muttered. Ash shrugged.

"Sorry, I thought you where." she replied. 

Dinner was quiet except for Brennan and Callie trying to get reactions out of Ash. 

"Any more dreams?" Brennan asked her in a whisper. Ash looked up from the sink, where she was washing dishes. 

"No," she lied. Brennan's dark brown eyes stared into hers. 

"You're lying," he said. 

"No, I'm not." Ash scoffed, scrubbing sauce off a plate. 

"What happened?" he sat on the counter. "You know I won't tell Callie."

"Yeah right," Ash muttered. 

"I won't and you know it." Brennan said. Ash sighed.

"I did. It...so, you know the one guy? The one who I really like?"

"Yeah," Brennan nodded. 

"Well, in this one...we where all in a closet for some reason. Or, some of us where. Two girls where fighting, and I got pushed into him. We kissed."

"Oh," Brennan nodded again, thinking. Ash waited a moment before scoffing. 

"I knew I shouldn't have told you." she mumbled. Brennan leaped off the counter.

"It's fine!" he assured her. HE placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm glad you told me, Ash."

They looked at each other- Ash glaring up through bangs, Brennan down through curls that hung over his eyes-until Callie yelled. 

"Hey, Brennan! I need your help!"

Brennan patted her shoulder before walking off. 

Once he was out of the room, Ash sighed and rested her forehead on her wrists, elbows on the counter. 

Slowly, she began to cry, tears slipping from her eyes and down her once-tan skin, shoulders shaking, but no noise came from her throat, even though she wanted to scream. 

Soon enough, the tears began to slow, and she wiped her eyes with her scarred wrists. Ash closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened them again.

She gasped. 

There. Outside the door. 

A boy with a broomstick. 

Word Count: 879



Anyways, what do you all think about the new characters? Brennan and Callie? they aren't all that important, but when I do one-shots of Ash during her college years you'll find out that they're some of the only reasons Ash hasn't done anything drastic. Plus, you'll get to see some of Justin and Olivia, who are only mentioned. I would just like to tell you guys that those four(Brennan, Callie, Justin, Olivia,) are all loosely based of off Bellamy, Clarke, Jasper, and Octavia from The 100. Really only their names are changed, but I wasn't feeling all that creative, so...

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, sorry it came so late(I was up at my Grandmas's most of the day.)


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