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Author's note: So I posted this on my archiveofourown account. Since there's just a few Stiles/Captain America fics here, I decided to repost all my fanfics here as well. I may not be the instigator of this rare ship, (I'm the second only. I wasn't planning to but that first one wasn't planning to continue his/her fic so I took over) but I'm an obsessed propagator and trash for Rolinski ship. And I've dedicated my fanfic writing time for this ship. Hope you enjoy this and I hope to see more people write more fics for this two.

This is inspired by One Call Away by Charlie Puth and Classic by  MKTO

Stiles is walking through the busy streets of New York in a cold December night. His father has decided to visit his brother-in-law, Phil Coulson, and stay for the holidays. A little family bonding long overdue. It has been a long time since they actually have one that doesn't involve skype.

Stiles shivers from the cold. The temperature is lot harsher than the last time he visited. But he doesn't mind because cold Yuletide air has always been his and his mother's favorite time of the year. Although it forces him to remember his mother, their happy times during Christmas can never be tarnished.

He pulls his coat closer, determined to find the best gift for his father and his uncle. But then, he catches a familiar flash of fiery blue. Stiles stops in his tracks. He hasn't seen it for months. Since the time he ignored it when he came searching for a dead body in the woods. But he can't be mistaken. It had to be...

He looks back and there it is. A blue fire the size of his fist with arms and body but with no feet, waving at him. It's a blue flame dancing in the wind. The Will-o'-the-Wisp. He comes closer to it until he is merely a feet way.

When Stiles was five, he got lost in the woods. No matter how hard he tries to remember, he could not find his way back. When he almost lost hope and was about to give up, a little burst of fire ignites a few feet away from him. When he was near it, it disappears but a trail of it shines through the woods. Stiles decided to follow it and soon he was stepping in his backyard and his mom and dad were hugging him. Ever since then, whenever he gets lost or there was a place he needed to be, these little blue fires would shine through and guide him homebound.

"Well hello there, little guy. Haven't seen you in while. Aren't you a little late too show up?" The wisp suddenly burns angry red and hisses at him. "Whoa!" Stiles jumps away from the angry fire. People move away from him and stares as if he is crazy. He may as well be. He is after all the only one seeing a floating fire in the middle of the street. "Cool down, dude. I know. My fault. I didn't listen to you. I'm sorry."

The wisp turns back to its lazy blue flame. Then its little arms start swaying to its left. Stiles looks where it is gesturing and sees the trail of Will-o'-the-Wisps.

"Do you want me to follow you?" It whistles as it nods. "Lead me home." Stiles says and the trail of wisps shines brighter like it always did.

Stiles follows the trail without any reluctance. He has a hundred and ten percent confidence that they will never lead him astray. They have always been there to guide him to where he is supposed to be.

But he has a feeling that something is different with this trail. He can't put a finger on it but he knows something is up.

"You're not leading me into a prank to punish me for not following you last time, are you?" Stiles asks. The wisps hisses like it was offended. May be it is. "Hey now, just checking." It sizzles like it can't believe how being stupid Stiles is right now.

So Stiles follows wisps after wisps. Then he arrives at an apartment complex somewhere in Brooklyn. BROOKLYN!!! How did he even walk that far? He only remembers walking through a thick fog and then here he is.

Hazy Blue Flames (Stiles X Captain America)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora