The Satanic Ritual

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1 . Person performing ritual stands facing the altar and symbol of Baphomet throughout
ritual, except when other positions are specifically indicated.

2. If possible, altar should be against west wall.

3. In rituals performed by one person the role of priest is not required. When more than
one person is involved in the ceremony, one of them must act as priest. In a private
ritual the sole performer follows the instructions for the priest.

4. Whenever the words "Sherrihamforash!'' and "Hail Satan!" are spoken by the person
acting as priest, the other participants will repeat the words after him. The gong is
struck following the other participants' response to "Hail Satan!"

5. Conversing (except within the context of the ceremony) and smoking are prohibited
after the bell is rung at the beginning, until after it is again rung at the end of the ritual.

6. The Book of Belial contains the principles of Satanic magic and ritual. Before
attempting the rituals in the Book of Leviathan, it is imperative that you read and
understand the complete Book of Belial. Until you have done so, no degree of success
can be expected from the thirteen steps which follow.



(See Devices Used in a Satanic Ritual
for detailed instructions.)

1 . Dress for ritual.

2. Assemble devices for ritual; light candles and shut out all outside light sources; place
parchments to right and left of the altar as indicated.

3. If a woman is used as the altar she now takes her position - head pointing south, feet
pointing north.

4. Purification of the air by ringing of the bell.

5. "Invocation to Satan" and "Infernal Names" which follow (see Book of Leviathan ) are
now read aloud by priest. Participants will repeat each Infernal Name after it has been
said by priest.

6. Drink from chalice.

7. Turning counter-clockwise, the priest points with the sword to each cardinal point of
the compass and calls forth the respective Princes of Hell: Satan from the south,
Lucifer from the east, Belial from the north, and Leviathan from the west.

8. Perform benediction with the phallus (if one is used).

9. Priest reads aloud appropriate invocation for respective ceremony: Lust, Compassion,
or Destruction (see Book of Leviathan ).

10. In the case of a personalized ritual this step is extremely important. Solitude is
compatible with the expressing of the most secret desires, and no attempt to "hold
back" should be made in the acting out, verbalizing, or casting of images pertaining to
your desires. It is at this step that your "blueprint" is drawn, wrapped, and sent off to
the recipient of your working.


To Summon One For Lustful Purpose Or Establish
A Sexually Gratifying Situation

Leave the area of the altar and remove yourself to that place, either in the same room
or without, that will be most conducive to the working of the respective ritual. Then,
fashion whatever imagery you possibly can that will parallel in as exact a way possible
the situation towards which you strive. Remember, you have five senses to utilize, so
do not feel you must limit your imagery to one. Here are devices that may be
employed (either alone, or in any combination):

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