The first beginning

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Mary was a different baby. She had brown hair, and blue eyes that changed into almost every color you can think of also she had a single mother. Her dad left her mom because he didn't want any children. Ever since then Mary and her mother have kept their distance from the outside world.

One day Mary's mother saw Mary in the room playing with herself and talking about something aside from her. She didn't think anything of it. About a year later, on Mary's second birthday, Mary told her mom she got a present from her friends Andrew. She walked her mom to the room and showed her. It was a dog. It was a German Shepherd to be exact. Baby Mary told her mom that he wasn't moving. So Mary's mom went over to touch the dog and the dog jumped up and bit her smack down on her face. Baby Mary just stood there while her mom was bleeding to death. Eventually, her mom stopped moving and Mary's quest was complete. That was until her friends Andrew whispered into her ear.

"It's okay little Mary. You're just a murderer now. You better hide the body before people realize she's missing and come after you."

Instead of hiding the body, little Mary curled up beside her mom and fell asleep in her arms.

Mary woke up to someone moving her around. She jumped up and grabbed what she thought was her mom beside her. But instead, there was a pile of bones and flies. She jumped up and backed away from it, and looked around. There were people there, she was scared. She ran to the bathroom feeling awfully heavy for being two , but when she looked in the mirror she realized, she wasn't two anymore. But somehow she knew what year it was and how old she was. But she didn't remember her name. Why was she lying next to her dead mother? And then it all came rushing back at once. Andrew. She remembered him. He told her to hide the body. He told her to kill her mother. He told her about the dog. And her thoughts were interrupted as someone came behind her and put something on her wrist. It was cold. Then the person started leading her away from the bathroom. She saw the dusty old living room and the dead kitchen. How long had she been asleep? She came to a dead stop. The person behind her and he were struggling to make her move and for some reason, she didn't feel it at all. She pulled herself away from him, knocking him over and turned to him.

"What year is it?"

He seemed shocked by my question.

"Um it's 2014" he swallowed

2014 aye... Wow

"What year did my mom die?"

He didn't answer her.

So she turned around and walked away.

Then she realized.

'I don't want to leave'

So she turned back around and walked back to the room. She yellow tape around the pile of bones she woke up beside. It had black wording but she couldn't make it out. When she looked up from the pile of bones she saw someone standing in the corner with one leg up on the wall.


He was laughing. And saying something. She started walking over to him with a dead stare. She noticed that he looked at her. And started walking towards her also.


He looked up and down at her.

"Big Mary" he laughed.

She just stared at him.

"WHAT," he said still smirking.

"Don't you smirk at me? You know what you did. I remember you!!" But she had forgotten he was imaginary...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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