Visiting Westwood

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Since I was 16 I have always wanted to pursue a career in the porn industry. I dreamt of being a porn star, opening my own studio and even designing and selling my own underwear and sex toy line. But after moving out and starting the real life I was confronted by the harsh reality... It's not that easy. There are plenty of 18 year old Blake Mitchell wannabes. So I got a job at Starbucks on my free time I earned some cash on cam sites, but my dream of becoming a world renowned porn star had disappeared.
But it all was about to change.
One morning I was scrolling through my Twitter and I noticed a tweet someone had retweeted: "FAMOUS BILLIONAIRE ERNEST WESTWOOD IS LOOKING FOR A PARTNER IN OPENING A GAY PORN STDUIO! MAYBE YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES?"
I thought to myself, imagine if he chose me, nah I doubt it he'll probably choose someone with experience in the business. But on the other hand, why not, there's nothing to lose!
I applied to the contest and waited for the reply.
A week passed and I thought that I was rejected, but just few days later I got a reply: "We would be pleasured if you'd come to the second round of the contest in The Westwood mansion"
At this moment I thought that I had a chance, but still just a slight.
Upon arrival to his estate I finally got how "big" this guy actually is. It was a huge mansion in the Hamptons, just by the beach. I was a bit early so I was the only one there . A butler led me to a grand hall. It had high ceilings and dark wood wainscoting. And a 60 year old was sitting in a chair by a fireplace.
-Hello- I said and my voice echoed through the hall.
-Hi!- he answered -come sit with me!-
I went to the other side of the hall and sat on the sofa next to him.
-What's your name son- he looked me straight into my eyes, as I looked back I noticed that he had beautiful light blue eyes.
-I'm Elias, Elias Wild-
-Well that is a great surname for a new star- he laughs -What do you think... Wild Westwood studios, sound good huh?-
-Yeah- I laugh with him
-You know, my vision for this studio is to make it the leading studio. How? You might ask... with diversity, sometimes people say that in this industry you have to find a niche and work in it, but with my experience, I can tell you diversity is the key... give some money to broke straight guys to fuck them, do mini movies with story lines, go with college kids... do reality. People will come un cum for all kinds of stuff. The main counterpart is quality, without it there won't be the viewer. And that's why I want a young talented guy, who can perform in front of the camera and also tho the backstage work and mainly run the whole business. I once had a dream of pursuing a career in this field, but those were different times. I was hiding my sexuality, my parents were expecting more of me, but today I want to give a chance to someone like you.-
As he was talking several other guys had walked in the room, a few of them were really hot, others not as much.
-Okay, let's start. I'm Ernest Westwood and I'll be financially supporting one of you on the road to fame and fortune in the porn industry, what once was an unfulfilled dream of mine will become a gift for you!
During the meeting he explained his vision of the studio and the specifics of the position, afterwards we told our story's and expressed our ideas. Later we had a discussion about why we would be the best candidate and in the end Ernest presented the results: -Thank you all, young gentlemen for coming, from all of you I'll be choosing a fourth, that's five, of you for the third round of the competition. These are Felix, Ezra, Daniel, Elias and Caleb. Thank you all for coming, although I won't be hiring you for the main position, I'm sure you could still get a job in the future company. You five stay here.-
The guys went away and only the five of us had left in the hall.
-So what I want you to do in the next two weeks is to think of a name, logo and location of the studio. Also think of the niche the studio should work in- as he said the last words he looked at me -I know this is a small time frame, but remember, after getting this position it won't be no child's play.
I left the estate excited and full of motivation, this might be a good opportunity to the dream career. And there's a 20% chance of getting it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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