chapter 1

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Carly pov
I hate living with my dad but I can't keep a job for over a month. It's late and dad was probably snoring.
I grab my computer and go to exploring the web, I soon come across something called 'BDSM' it seemed a lazy way to get clothes and nice stuff like that.

I end up looking though a lot of social medias looking for a hot man that was wanting a female pet.

After about two hours I found someone named Skotch that seemed rich. He was hot as fuck.
I send him a message and send a pic of me. He instant replies and agreed to becoming my master and I'd obviously live with him.

We agreed to meet in my closest park around ten am.

I turn my computer off and go to sleep.

I wake up by my dad. He'll always wake .e up before going to his job insisting I find a job.
I explain I found a job but it's far so I'll be living with a friend close to the job.
He agrees without argument and serves me to the park.

Once I was in the park and my dad's car was out of sight I waited for this man to find me sitting on the bench like we agreed.
Sooner than I honestly expected, Skotch  walked over to me sitting beside me.

"You're Calry?" He asks making sure

"Yeah, and you must be Skotch" I added a little sas to my reply trying to be more sexy

"Indeed, but you will only call me master" he corrects

"Even in public?" I ask being embarrassed to call him master in public.

"Of Course" he grins "now cmon Carly into my car

I obey his simple order and he gets in the driver side and I get in the passenger side.

"Your blonde long hair is adorable" he compliments me

"Thanks master" I was going for more of a sexy look than cute but whatever floats his boat

We were soon driving to his home with him having his eyes on the road and one hand on the wheel but his other hand was petting my hair.

"Unzip and unbutten your pants" he orders me as he keeps his eyes on the road

"Why?" I ask confused about his order

"Because master said so" he says in a more dominating voice.

I decided to listen to him I didn't want to loose my new job already. Once I did my bright red panties showed making me blush in emberssment a little. I cover my face in emberssment like I always do but then I feel his hand in my panties teasing my vagina. I wanted him to just stick his fingers into me but he didn't act like he was doing that.

"D-damnit" I grunt

I feel my leg pinched badly making me squeal in pain

"No pet of mine will curse without permission"  he informs me. This us a dumb rule but would be a hard rule too for me.

"Fine master" I say in a pouty way.

He soon goes back to teasing my vagina and I see a snicker on his face as I let out a small moan.

"Master" I whine

"Yes Carly?"

"Stop teasing me" I say but it was more if asking him to stop teasing

"But your so cute in this position. Embarrassed for wanting more from me" he smiles still teasing me.

"Mm" I groan mad at him.

Soon he takes his hand out of my panties and parks his car in a garage that had to be his house. Huge ass house.

I went to open the door but it was child safety locked. I turn to master who had grabbed a collar and leash from the backseat.

"C'mon pet" he smiles
I knew he was going to put the collar and leash on me. I wasn't that dumb.

"Do I really have to wear that?" I ask crossing my arms

"Yes Carly" he says firmly

I with buy go close to him so he could put the collar on me with the leash attached to it.

"There, now that wasn't so hard" he smiles grabbing the end of the least and making me crawl into the driver side and out of the car behind him.

He unlocks his front door and we walk into his huge home. He had his house clean and decorated nicely.

He guides me to a door that had a lock on it. He opens the door and pulls me into this room.
He turns the light on and the room was large but the 'decorations' were a lot more kinky. All kinds of bondage in one room. It reminded me if walking into the back of Spencer's.

"Strip pet" he orders as he takes the leash off and locks the door.

I don't know why I was surprised by this order. What was I really expecting?
I take my shirt and pants off along with my flip flops leaving me in only bra and panties.

I hear him make a small growl before he walks over to the wall were some handcuffs on the wall were

"Here now pet" he then orders me.

I wasn't very joyful about him already wanting to fuck me but this kinky lifestyle will also involve me doing less work and still earning goodies. I walk over to the wall and let him handcuff my wrists.

"Good girl" he smiles and pets my head like you would a dog.

He walks over to a box and pulls out a blindfold and ball gag. He puts the blindfold on me were I couldn't see anything but blackness.

"Open your mouth" he orders me.
I shake my head no, he might blind me and fuck me but I am gonna be able to talk the entire time.

"Carly" he says in a threatening tone
I once again shake my head no.

I feel his hand go into my bra. I assume he gave up on the ball gag but I feel him painfully pinch my boob until I open my mouth to tell him to stop but before I could say a word he stuck the ball gag in my mouth and put it on correctly.

"Tried to do it the easy way" he comments as I feel my bra strap being pulled up but then it it falling off and the same with the other. I realize that master had just be cut the straps to get the bra off me.

He plays around with my tits pinching them and the nipple very now and then making me moan every time.  Once he was done letting his hands play around he goes to sucking on my nipples making me moan very loudly.  The embarrassing about all this was I knew my panties had to be wet  now.

He soon get a off my boobs and I hear him walk away from me. I worry he decided to let me got to death or something but I hear his foot steps soon come back and I was relieved. I assume he was about to take my panties off and see how wet I proably was but instead I feel him put a vibrator in my vagina making so much more horny, I squirm as master grab my tits again again for a little but then let his arms rap around me and over to the back of my panties. He pulls them down slightly were he could get to my asshole and sticks two fingers into me.

I moan loudly again and thrust my lower body forwards and touch his lower body and could feel he had a boner.

"Mmrm" I growl as I feel him grab my hips and move his hips back and fourth on me while fingering my asshole until I pass out from panting too hard

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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