Having Will

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Growing up, I had no friends. But, I had Will.


I need a drink, I lean forwards on my toes getting just high enough to see over the crowded room so I can locate waitstaff. I get a quick glimpse of Maegan just as her icy blue eyes zero in on me through the crowd. She's headed right for me, and the look in her eyes says it all. She's pushing her next victim off on me again. I ball a bit of my skirts into one hand at my side, just enough to keep my hem out of the way, as I hurry in her direction with long strides. Turning in circles looking for her I suddenly feel a hand on my arm,

"Lauren sweety," A closed lip smile flashes across my friends face before she removes her hand from my arm,

"I'm honored to introduce you to my friend," with a smile I turn towards the gentleman she was introducing to me, one of the many tonight.

Poor fellow doesn't have the slightest idea as to what he was in for with this handf- my thoughts are suddenly interrupted with green. No.

"...Lord William Noddings."

My breath catches in my throat. My head is racing with memories, emotions, and fears as my brain instantaneously starts trying to figure out my options. I feel paralyzed while trying to process everything happening. I am immobile as my eyes settle on the tall man in front of me.

My eyes widen, the artificial smile that always graces my face melts away, instead warping into an expression of disbelief. Before me were those eyes, his eyes, the same forest green eyes of the golden haired young man in front of me.


My eyes widen. The once artificial smile that I always plaster on my face is now gone. My jaw drops slightly, in disbelief. Before me were the forest green eyes of the golden haired boy I once knew, but now they belonged to a young man.

Maegan's arm snakes through his as she flirtatiously leans into his shoulder as if to swoon, "He's quite the gentleman, and he plays polo extraordinarily. Lauren does love a good game of polo, she'd be quite interested in your achievements."

Having dumped her shadow onto me, now she may do as she pleases for the rest of the evening. Maegan curtly turns to walk away from the conversation taking a step in the opposite direction, "Now, if you'd excuse me..." she's slowly releasing Will's arm to let fall as she walks away but, just before she severs her arm from his,

"Will." All the air leaves my lungs as I practically exhale his name, I can't even blink while I stare wide eyed up at him, almost gaping. Beads of sweat are forming on the back of my neck. His lips part to reveal his perfect teeth, and I can see his words before I can hear them as I watch his mouth begin to move.

"Your Highness." I watch as his eyes light up, the sun rising above the tall thick tree line once again, bringing the forest back to life.

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