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People marched to and fro, bumping into each other and shoving past one another to get the exit. Thin girls in spandex suits jumped off of the tight rope and into the safety net below, rolling off and doing some sort of waddling walk towards the exit as well. Muscle builders were packing up their weights and sword swallowers were bidding each other goodbye. Most of the circus had departed by then and if not most then perhaps even a few had stayed. Of course, that few simply were the owners and grand acts of the circus.

A few feet away from the lot of the circus tents was a small house that held up to four people. The door seemed to swing open as a large and pink suitcase was tossed outside. It landed with a loud thud upon the sandy ground causing dust to flow up into the air. A shriek was heard after the action as a thin woman rushed to the door, staring in horror at her clothes sprawled across the dirt, all covered with dust and other bacteria. Another groan was heard as another suitcase of the same size and color was thrown out into the circus streets, jewelry slipping out of the open crevices. Some were broken while others seemed to be intact still.

"My jewelry!"

Not even bothering to glance behind her at the two children that were watching with equally confused and horror filled eyes, the woman rushed forward, trying to salvage whatever was left within the suitcase yet before her fingers could wrap around the handles, they were lifted into the air and with a fear that seemed to freeze her entire body, she stared up at the scowling body builder who looked back into the house with a cheerful grin.

"Wanna see a trick kids?"

The youngest of the children's eyes grew wide as he let his mouth fall open into a delighted shriek of sorts, he jumped up and down, forgetting the simple fact that the woman was screaming at him to say 'No' so that her precious 'babies' didn't get hurt. The pleas of the woman fell upon deaf ears as the child seemed to bob his head up and down eagerly, repeating the word the best he could as his tongue slipped through the middle gap of his mouth where no teeth rested.

"Twik! Twik!"

He clapped his hands happily as the body builder set forward to begin crushing the suitcases in both of his hands, watching the jewelry become nothing but dust as the clothes the woman had bought with her husband's money became shredded and ripped through. She shrieked in horror, rummaging through the dirt once the body builder dropped the destroyed suitcases, a deep sob left her mouth before she hastily stood up and whirled around to face the family of three that stood in the doorway, eyes narrowed and fists clenched.

"You... You pig! I should have known the consequences of marrying a circus performer no matter how much money  you could give me!"

The younger child paused in his laughter and screwed up his face into one of confusion and pain as his tiny feet stomped upon the ground. Crossing his arms over his chest, he held his head high despite the bruises that littered his pale face and the throbbing pink scar that rested across it. He bit his lower lip, confused on how to talk for a few minutes before letting the gibberish that his father loved to hear slip from his scarred lips.

"Hmph! Papa doesn't want no.... no..... uh...."

"Gold digger, Gunther."

The large man helped his son with narrowed eyes at the woman he had once loved. Gunther seemed to follow his father's example, huffing slowly as the woman continued her glaring. The glaring contest only lasted a minute or two as the body builder picked up the woman by the collar of her dress and swung her over his shoulder with a snort of amusement at her horrified screeching.

"Quiet Banshee, I'm Doing us all a favor." He reared his arms back and gripped the woman tightly as he began to run, feet stomping on the ground and making it shake as the woman continued her screeching before she was roughly shoved into a taxi car, none of her belongings in sight. Before she could venture out, the door was slammed shut and with a whistle from the body builder, the car drove off.

Gunther could only stare out at the destroyed possessions of his mother, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as his tongue pressed against his scarred lips, feeling the cuts across them and the throbbing pink flesh as well. He screwed up his face in pain once more, hands cupping his cheeks as the scar on his face throbbed more painfully. He didn't cry out though, figuring that would simply give more stress to his father who was beginning to repack their bags.

"Ready to go, boys?"

The children looked up at their large father who held their bags in his burly hands. Gunther was the first to nod happily as he took his backpack from the man and slipped it on, skipping outside. He didn't wait for his father or brother, too excited to care much about bidding the other performers goodbye.

He looked out the window of the Taxi just in time to see a grey cat walking towards his father. They seemed to make eye contact before the large male led the creature into his house and closed the door behind him making the small boy blink heavily in confusion.

His short attention span was grabbed by the performers leaving the circus as he waved his small hands out the window happily, calling out to them as loud as ever. They seemed to pause, looking back at the small child before waving back as they passed the rusted and old gates of the circus.

That day, Gunther had realized more than one thing when they were being herded off to a large neighborhood with different people and houses. One, he was more different than he realized, two, that grey cat had given his father some sort of letter, and three is that he didn't need money to be happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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