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As Genji stared up at his ceiling, different thoughts began to pop up into his mind. Zenyatta was his mentor, but even more so, Zenyatta was his friend— the closest one he ever had. He sacrificed alot for the sake of his student. Genji was unsure of how to feel about it, and the more that the thought lingered in his mind the more uncomfortable he became on the situation as a whole. Soon enough he was texting Angela, a close friend whom he trusted and came to for anything. She always had open arms and ears, which he was thankful for. The text read out:
"Hey Angela, are you free right now? I have something to talk to you about and I'd like it to be in private."
"Of course, I am in my office, I'll leave the door unlocked so you can come right in."
"Thank you, I really appreciate it."
"No need, I am always here to listen, Genji."

Genji soon got up and changed, heading down and leaving a little note for his brother before leaving to Angela's house, which was also where her office for her business was. He knocked before entering and closed the door on his way in. He made his way towards Angela's office. Soon he entered in.
"Ah, I see you have arrived, please take a seat." She motioned towards the chairs, Genji nodded and took a seat across from her. "What seems to be the problem Genji?" She asked.
"Well I-I think I'm developing feelings for someone— well I've had these feelings for a while and it's just been bothering me, I feel like it isnt right...and I'm afraid that it won't work out as well as I hope." He sighed. Angela nodded as she listened.
"I see, I understand, who is this person?" Angela questioned, Genji answered with hesistance.
"It's.. It's Zenyatta, he is my mentor... But as of now I see him as something different and I'm just unsure, is it wrong to have these feelings?" He looked rather worried. Angela gave it a thought.
"I'm sure having these feelings is causing no harm to the both of you, have you ever admitted these feelings to him? Do you know if he feels the same?"
"I'm too afraid to do it, I'm scared that he might turn me down and everyone will judge me." He sighed, a small frown coming upon his face. " I don't know... I don't think he sees me as anything else aside from his student." Angela had begun writing down a few things,
"Have you tried talking with him? Maybe try to get close with him personally, if you havent already."
"Well... No... I don't want to come off as a creep..."
"Well if you play the right cards, I'm sure you'll get somewhere. I'm sure something will fall into place. Do you need me to set up a plan for you? Or perhaps play the secret spy and help you through this?" Angela suggested half jokingly.
"I... I don't know, I'll try to have a talk with him later today."
"I believe you can do it, Genji. Tell me how it goes, yeah?" She smiled, leading him towards the exit.

((Wow coming up with this stuff if hard but eh))

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