The Sad Beginning

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The locket...

she clenched it close to her chest. Tears roll down her face, she can't escape no matter what.

that creature is coming closer and closer to the minute. She looked out the broken window, seeing her daughter in tears, crying for her to come.

she was the queen of this city they lived in and now without her rule, her daughter would have to take the role but she cants because she would have to live in an adoption center.

"No, I need to give her this locket" she looks at it .memories scattered across her mind.

The creature began to wrap its tentacles around her legs. It felt like knives stabbing her legs repeatedly. she began to give up, she wouldn't make it, her life was down so was her daughter.

" NO I CANT LET THEM" she kicked the creature, making it scream a blood-curdling scream.

She threw the locket out the window. her daughter catches it thankfully, but she knew time was up.

she decided to do something Indescribably. she took her soul and then she broke it . and then nothing but a blinding light and after that, nothing but an empty kingdom with a broken throne.


After all of that, the daughter was shocked to see her home in ruins. she moved her body and stretched her wings. she was surprised to find that she still had that dang locket. she smiled yet it wasn't a smile but a grim look of despair in her heart. tears rolled down her cheeks. she knew would take revenge.


Tears grew bigger by the minute. she grabs her favorite teddy bear and blanket and begins to cry in the covers. her long ears hurt every time she tries to cry. her emotions began muted every time someone tries to comfort her or ask why she was abandoned. she always feels lost in this world.

The adoption center, she lives in is very nice and beautiful and it was meant for royal kids. but that besides the point. she cries in the bed until a lady comes in."Ms. Deathlight, it time for breakfast you don't want to get hungry do you" said the lady. Deadlight's mouth didn't move nor spoke only just closed. She stared at the lady, it was Ms. Growbell. Deathlight began to smile.

" Miss.GrowBell , you know my real name is-, but before she can finish, Ms. Growbell said she knows. ( we will call our hero, DL for now). So the both of them when downstairs, where breakfast was held. The cafeteria was huge and cozy, it feels like home as if they were really at home. The cafeteria was filled with different races of anthropomorphic like Dl, like the reptile or the Merticas, Mortons, Patinas, or her race, the flyers ( all these names and species will be explained later). But DL was the last one of the Flyers to exist, she was used to be like that, but she was always treated way different than the other kids, so she always sit alone and played alone, In fact, she played alone almost her whole time there (which is very sad if you ask me)

Well, she wasn't the only one who was treated like this, Meet Rat Or (Rateentio Makterono Midwinters) Or Rat. He was also like her, last one of their kind, but the thing is why he is there is a very dark and even sadder story so I'm not going to say. But he always did that to be nice to DL and eventually became best friends with DL ( and sadly only). But she decides she wasn't as Hungry as she thought, she decides to just sit down with Rat and draw. The reason why she draws is a COMPLETELY a different story. To summarize it for you, she draws out all her anger in there and other stuff like dreams, life, and events that happen did happen or will happen. The thing is her family had this thing where they would have the really crazy accurate ability to tell event to tell will happen but she draws them because she is too scared to tell people what she thinks because she thinks they won't believe her so she draws them instead.

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