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7:05 a.m.
Y/N jumps up out of bed in pure shock. "Not today! Not today! I cannot be late today" she exclaimed scurrying across her room throwing on random items of clothing as she went. Today was the first day at Y/N's first school. After she had been found in a hospital chained on a surgeons table by the Avengers her life took a complete turn.
She was taken in by the avengers in hope to contain her growing powers. Everyday they discovered something new in the girl. One day she realized she could shoot fire out of her hands (after sending a huge hole through Clint's door), the next week she realized that she could teleport items from one place to the next (we will all miss Tony's 153rd pair of glasses). Y/N was developing, but despite the superhero powers and the glory of being an avenger. They decided to still sign her up for high school.
Y/N grabbed all she needed and shoved it into her backpack that Tony had just bought her and rushed upstairs.
"Hey Jarvis what's the fastest route to Forrest Hills?" (your high school)
"Quickest route is on foot. Walk 5 blocks then turn right and continue for 3 blocks then it's on your left. It looks like you'll be there in 22 minuets walking" Jarvis said calmly.
"What!? Crap I've got to go."
And out she went running faster than she had ever done before.
                      *           *           *
School was rough. Y/N went to all her classes and was shunned in the corner in every one. It was junior year, people already had clicks and it wasn't very common to find someone alone.
Soon it was lunch and  Y/N had no idea what to do. But with confidence she walked over to the nearest table and sat down with 3 other people.
"Hey I'm Y/N! Can I sit with you?"
They all stared blankly for a second and then looked at each other and got up and moved to another table. Well there goes that future friendship.
Y/N stood up and looked around again at the cafeteria hoping to find anyone else alone, but was unsuccessful so she sat back down and ate lunch alone.
                      *           *           *
"Sup kiddo how was school?" Tony asked as Y/N walked into the room.
"It was okay I guess. The teachers all seem pretty nice and the classes seem pretty easy. But I didn't make any friends which is kinda sucky" Y/N hesitated for a moment. "I don't like that school. I don't feel like I fit in. Treat me like I don't exist. I wish I could go somewhere else."
Tony looked at me a little disappointed.
"If it was my decision, I wouldn't force you to go through all that crap, but S.H.E.I.L.D says I have to. Look I know you and I know what you're capable of, even though you're a brat who will never be as amazing as I am. It takes time, but I know you'll be fine."
Y/N looked at Tony in shock. Not everyday you can get a true heartfelt conversation out of the Iron Man. You simply smile, said thanks, and left to go to your room.
I guess this isn't too horrible Y/N thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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