The plane (old)

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Ok I'm a start from the beginning. After your failed experiment we found these objects called soul crystals. After some research.

Time skip (bla bla bla) i wont bore you with all that quantum physics bull crap so anything else dr Leah?

Leah: no now die
y/n nope*
*pulls out a vector and starts to unload into some of the guards behind her.
Leah: will you just die a**h**e

y/n: nope not today I'm to strong to die

y/n plus i took on the anomaly and lived
Leah: w-w-what h-h-how even i don't think its from this world and I'm the villain here

y/n: Hey no fourth wall breaks!!
y/n: I swear if he who shall not be named is her i will jump off this plane.

??? Why must you be so mean *pouting*but im gonna go now by

y/n: well by doc*puts down a c4 and grabs a parachute*
Leah: i will have my revenge
y/n oh no I'm so scared over a fat a**
Leah(rage mode): WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!!!!!!!!

y/n: note to self don't call women fat ever

y/n well nice meeting you have a good trip to the underworld
* jumps out of plane after a bit blows up the c4 destroying the plane.

y/n: now were the hell am i

???:rias we see some sort of spy!

* turns and sees nothing bust still readys the vector.

y/n: i still got "it" if i need to use "it"

3rd person pov

???: found you!

They kick you in the head and knock you out cold

???: well lady rias what do we do with him?

???: take him to the house i will talk to him in the morning
y/n:just don't leave my bags*finally falls asleep.

A lost soldier (unturned  male reader x highschool dxd) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now