Night 8

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"Why do you even like me?" The question I've never had an answer to until now. I like you because you're yourself. Even though you irritate me sometimes, my heart still skips the same everytime I see you, I still get butterflies just thinking of you. You make me happy even though you don't realize it. Even though I don't realize it sometimes. Some days I just look at you and I'm falling all over again. I'm in love with every little feature of you. The way your eyes crease when you smile, your laugh, your jealousy, and so much more. It keeps me there. Even after all we've been through I can't stay away from you. Something keeps bringing me back, something keeps bringing you back. I can't explain how much I miss you, your affection, the warm touch of your lips, and the smell of you cologne when you hug me so tightly. It all takes me back. Back to you.

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