When He's Jealous

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Drew: When Drew gets jealous he can get a little irritated. Usually he'll clear his through a lot and shift around has he held your hand tightly. He didn't like when guys would flirt with you one bit. Sometimes he'd even tell the guy off.

Chance: Chance wouldn't normally get jealous but when he does he gets extremely overprotective. If he feels threatened by a guy he always tries to make sure that the guy knows to back off.

Michael: Michael did get jealous quite a bit and he always made a huge deal out of it. He couldn't stand it when guys would flirt with you. He definitely wasn't afraid to tell the guy off. You always found it quite cute though.

Sergio: Sergio didn't really get jealous. He just got annoyed when you were focusing all of your attention on someone else and not him. So usually he'd whine a lot and beg you to do something with him until you gave in.

Brady: Brady was usually pretty chill until someone was flirting with you a lot. He didn't usually show his jealousy but deep down he wanted to tell the guy to go find someone who didn't have a boyfriend.



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