First day

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(Readers pov)
Your first day at the arts  school went so horribly wrong first of all you came twenty minutes late obviously trying to find the most non embarrassing clothing you had so you missed your tour guide luckily there was another student there he had glistening eyes and nice dark brown hair he looked at you and said are you lost my eyes froze looking at him but I managed to spill out the words "yes" he grabbed your hand and said come on then I felt a shiver slowly climb up my spine
We sat down outside he sparkled in the sun he is so cute he asked for my timetable suddenly breaking me out of my daze room 242 is second period same as me his voice perking up, I blushed. A musical class came outside to sing so they wouldn't disturb the other classes so Corey said are you doing drama like me? Yeah I said enthusiastically a smirk appears on his face do you want to come to the coffee shop after school it took me 10 seconds to think about it I said yes but then I thought wait is this a date? I started getting extremely nervous. I glanced over at the musical group a girl gave me a death stare I chose to ignore it
After that the day was normal I sprint home getting ready for my get together with Corey.

So sorry if this is bad I just saw most of the Corey fogelmanis fanfics weren't that good and really short soo...
This is my fist fanfic btw so give me feedback about how it went

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