Chapter Three

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(A/N So, I DID admittedly steal Demon's Frost from RobinNightengale on thought it was a cool idea and I wanted it. Also, I'm an atheist and while I have been to church before with relatives I always completely zoned out and I don't really know how they work, so I did my best considering this IS supposed to be an Ente Islan Church which are probably different. But if I offend anyone or something let me know-politely please..Don't know if I need to put that but I will just in case-and now to the story!)

(Also I'm sorry this took so long..I have no ability to get off my ass and do stuff like write. No motivation)

The town seemed normal enough, at first glance. People walked around, chatting about dinner and gossipping, cloaks and jackets drawn around their figures, holding hands with children and loved ones.

But if you looked closer, you would see the glints of metal under the waistband of a skirt, in the pocket of a jacket. Notice how parents pulled their children closer than usual and kept to the edges of the streets, how their voices were hushed and their eyes constantly sweeping - like the eyes of rabbits under the watch of a hawk.

There was another oddity as well. The doors to the church were open, and a large group of people knelt at the altar, whispering prayers. This in and of itself was not abnormal, but the amount of people doing it was.

Zachariah dragged Lucifer inside, walking towards a lone priest with red hair and a matching beard.

"Father Bausin," he began, approaching the man, "We seek protection."

The priest's gray eyes swept over the two boys. They were soft, yet clearly troubled, but he managed a tired smile.

"Ah, the Dane boy-and Cedric, rare to see you here..."

Zachariah gave a respectful dip of his head as greeting, before looking up at Bausin with urgency in his eyes, "Father, Cedric lives in those woods, and he doesn't have anywhere else to go! He refuses to stay with me."

The priest raised his bushy eyebrows, "What? Staying alone in that forest with a demon on the loose with no proper training is a suicide mission!"

Lucifer finally wrenched his wrist away from Zachariah-"Maybe, but I do have some training! And-and you've seen what people think of me.." he grew quiet. This was where the acting came in..along the way he'd thought about how best to convince both the priest and Zachariah he could be fine on his own. Of course..there was some cheating involved. He looked up at the priest-and his purple eyes gleamed.

"They think I'm either a helpless child or some useless hobo-if I kill this demon..I might get some respect around here. All I need is a weapon.."

Bausin frowned. His heavy set gray eyes looked a tad clouded, like he was staring off into space.

"So, you wish to prove your worth and be better accepted into the community..?"

Lucifer nodded. It had seemed like the most reasonable excuse for his actions. Human teenagers were so predictable.

"I understand your desires, Cedric. But if the Church heeds your request, you must live up to it. I will lend you a weapon to protect yourself, but God be with you all the same. I implore you, if things get too difficult no one is going to turn you away from safety, our doors are always open."

Lucifer bit the inside of his cheek to keep from wincing at the mention of his grandfather..he didn't think he'd ever see that the same, 'our doors are always open' yeah right. But he didn't need to brood. The purple-haired boy forced a relieved smile onto his face and bowed his head in thanks.

"Thank you, Father. This is incredibly kind of you, I promise not to disappoint."

The man nodded and placed a hand on Lucifer's shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2017 ⏰

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