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"Maybe love was just another excuse for mischief"

 This time of the year in Cape Town South Africa It was cold walking in the rain back home to her apartment; Anna Theron splashed in the rain puddles with her new brown boots she bought for herself as a birthday gift a couple of hours ago. She could hear the pouring of the rain on top of her umbrella and she could smell it, the smell of rain always took her back to one place-her grandmother's house when she was a little girl. A quick memory goes through her mind, her face falls and her heart starts to hurt.
She stops at the front door of her apartment building and takes the key out of her jacket pocket. She opens the door and rushes in to get out of the rain, the door slams shut behind her and she closes her blue umbrella. She runs up the stairs lined with a beige carpet to the 3rd floor where she opens her front door. 'It's quiet' Anna thought to herself but didn't take too much notice. She turns around to close the door and hang up her umbrella and as she turns back "SURPRISE!" everyone in the room screams causing Anna to let out a scream as well. She holds her hand in front of her mouth and Ashley comes running towards her, her best friend since middle school except now Ashley has shining red hair and a nose piercing. "Happy twentieth!" she yelled and threw her arms around Anna with a huge smile on her pale face. Anna slightly hugged back while looking at all the people in the room-very old friends and some she's not sure she's ever seen before. Ashley let go of her and Anna said
"Thanks. Hi everyone" Anna gave a wave and looked back at Ashley "Why?" Anna asked with a laugh and shook her head slightly. "Hang on a sec" Ashley said and turned the music on "have fun guys". All the people started to socialize.
"So I ask again, Why?" Anna asks again with a small laugh. "Well first of all it's you're 20th! You just hit you're twenties! And second of all don't you know me already?" Ashley replies and gives you another tight hug. Its true she always threw you a party, you just hoped she'd stop by now, she knows you hate surprises.
"I don't know why you had to invite that many people" Anna said and took off her coat and hung it on the coat hanger amongst many other coats. "These are people you've met. Okay for example, See there? That's Steven, my Steven" she said pointing to a guy having a smoke inside the house. "Oh wow he got hot" Anna said with a small giggle and looked around the apartment "wait are there any windows open?", Anna rushed towards a window and opened it quickly to let the smoke out.
"Thats better" Anna said and Ashley  shaked her head with a laugh and walked towards her with her arms crossed "you seriously gotta loosen up. I know it's been difficult but you gotta try okay? You can't just keep going through life being miserable and depressed. Trust me I know". Ashley gave her a small smile and Anna nodded and did just as Ashley suggested because she was right...again, she knows exactly what to say and when she needs to say it. Anna loosened her dark brown hair, walked towards the counter and poured herself a tequila shot, she took a deep breath "lets get this party started!" Anna shouted and everyone cheered as she downed the shot.

"Mr Highmore we shall be landing shortly" the plane's co-pilot announced. "Thank you Sebastian" he replied and looked out of the window, taking in the bright city lights and beautiful landscapes and a ocean so blue it could match the colour of his eyes. "Wow" he said out loud, "it is  indeed beautiful isn't it?" he heard another voice exclaim; Mark his manager sitting just a few seats away from him in a dark blue suit. Mark has been there since the very beginning, he has become his family on the job. "Very. You don't get many places like this" Freddie said looking out the window once more and Mark replied "what exactly do you mean by that?", "well the colour of the ocean mixing with these colourful landscapes is just beautiful. I mean if you ask me, I'd say that's quite unique".
"Well you are quite unique as well" Mark said and let out a small laugh causing Freddie to chuckle. The pilots voice came through  "Please make sure you have fastened your seatbelts. We are about to land in Cape Town South Africa".

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