Chapter 3

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The enormous room was decorated with stunning style. A huge table set for twenty-seven was at the end, with smaller tables scattered around the room, all with crystal glasses and pristine cloth napkins wrapped around sparkling silver cutlery. It wouldn't be long before the room will be swarming with people all in beautiful outfits.

The first of the candidates started to arrive, slowly making their way into the glamourous room in awe. They wandered around, talking politely with each other, until all the candidates had arrived.

Zariah made her way to the front, a delicate glass balanced in her hand. She tapped it lightly, getting the attention of everyone in the room. Once she had their full attention, she started speaking. "I am glad your all here listening. Now, I would like to introduce your hosts." With that, she motioned to the massive gilded doors. "May I present to you Marcellus." She announced. The doors opened, revealing a tall man with long greying hair and beard. His turquoise eyes sparkled as he made his entrance as the first of the gods.

The next to arrive was goddess Thalia, making an appearance with flowing blonde hair and a stunning silver and blue gown that hugged her curves. She held her head high as she moved further into the room, her ivory skin shimmering in the light. A muscular figure moved in the archway, making his entrance as Severinus. His shoulder length hair was in its natural dark waves, and his dark skin was etched with ink snaking up his arms underneath his shirt.

A tall woman with a slim figure dressed in a black and white dress with off-the-shoulder sleeves was announced as Medea. Her black hair was designed in fancy curls and plaits. She greeted the room with a friendly smile as she made her way over to the other gods.

Antonia walked in next in a pale blue and white dress, her chestnut hair and bronze skin glimmered as she moved, offering friendly looks to everyone around her, stopping occasionally to exchange words with some candidates. She was young, and hadn't been a goddess for as long as a lot of the others, making her seem more approachable than the rest.

Miriam followed behind, his muscles rippling as he moved. Scars were scattered all over his body, covered by his suit. His hair was short and well kept, the dirty blonde hair was combed back giving a clear view of his face. He moved between the crowds and took a seat at the head table.

A wave of innocence filled the room as the next goddess entered, her long dark hair tied back in beautiful silver ribbons that matched her simple crown. Her body was wrapped in a stunning midnight blue dress adorned with silver lining. The long sleeves almost brushed the floor, falling just inches shorter than her dress. Felina advanced gracefully towards the main table, her youth standing out from the rest of the gods.

Floriana entered next, her brown hair cascading down her back in loose waves, almost down to her knees. Her dress was a pale purple with pink and silver accents, giving her a soft edge as she took her seat. Denzel, a young boyish god sauntered into the room, his demeanour being more casual in a more informal outfit. His short brown curls were messy and his eyes twinkled mischievously as he sat down.

Samael entered next, with a mysterious smile, and long grey hair tied back. He was wearing a crown with different coloured crystals embedded in the gold. They sparkled as they caught the light. His turquoise eyes were casting inquisitive looks around the hall, until he reached his seat with the gods.

Kassandra entered confidently, her beautiful black hair in coils down her back against the red of her dress. Blandus was close behind, his huge muscles bulging from beneath his stunning suit. His hair was well groomed and framed his face in mahogany.

An icy chill filled the room as the next goddess entered. Her complexion a snow white and hair was the darkest black imaginable. She stood tall and confident in her stunning dress. A sheer fabric shrouded her shoulders and fluttered behind her, a ghostly shadow. She covered her hands and lower arms with gloves that matched her black dress. Sephoriana held her head high, revealing a beautiful silver necklace, woven with souls of past deities. With a delicate smile, she joined her ranks at the head table.

Aurelio held his head high with pride as he made his way to the table, his long blonde hair was tied back, and his beard was neatly kept sitting comfortably above his clothes.

Two stunning blonde goddesses entered next, arm in arm. Irina had her arm looped around Leola's arm confidently, showing off their mother-daughter bond. Irina's icy blonde hair was longer than Leola's, falling down her back in an elaborate braid, whereas Leola's was in a neat bob. They were both sporting shimmering green dresses, accenting their gorgeous figures. The dresses trailed behind them, leaving a path of destruction in their wake until they took their seats at the table.

The main table was starting to get full as more gods and goddesses were announced, until there were just two places left in the middle. Everyone was waiting respectfully for the last goddess to be announced, and they weren't disappointed.

"May I welcome Goddess Nyssa, the divine ruling power." Zariah introduced.

A stunning woman moved gracefully forwards, her milky cream skin was flawless and radiated youth and purity. Lockets of gold hair were coiled into unfathomable braids that stayed firmly in place as she moved forwards. Her gown was one of unrivalled beauty with glittering embroidery and elaborate lacing decorating the layers of fabric.

She greeted Zariah with a warm embrace and smile, before whispering something in her ear, making Zariah blush slightly. She then stepped forwards as Zariah sat down in one of the remaining seats at the table.

"It is a great honour to host the trials here once again, and I hope you all enjoy your time here. I expect you all to try your best and work hard. Now, I'm sure you're all very eager to know what your first trial will be, so I shall pass over to Blandus." She spoke, before sitting down next to Zariah.

Blandus stood up, his tall frame looming over the seated deities. He pushed his dark messy hair out of his face, the huge muscles rippling as he moved. "Your first trial is a simple one. It is a test on Armour and weaponry. There are two parts, the first is written and the other is practical. You are expected to use your knowledge to assist in the gear distribution sector for an hour. Neither of these tests are easy, but they are both straightforward. Good luck." He boomed in his deep voice.

Zariah stood back up, ready to speak. "You've heard your first task, and you have five days to prepare." With that said, she sat back down, and almost instantly, waiters and waitresses appeared carrying platters piled high with foods, placing them on tables. There was a large mixture of foods, catering for all the different dietary requirements. Fresh raw meats for werewolves and shifters and blood for the vampires, as well as an abundance of human foods for everyone. There was plenty of everything, waiters replacing empty platters with new, full ones. Huge jugs of different liquids were being offered around, some were alcoholic, for those over eighteen, and others were fruity punches. Smoothies and hot drinks were also available on request.

The candidates were getting to know one another and make friends before the trials started. Some were encouraging humans to try some Alcorian foods, and humans were coaxing Alcorians to try earth foods. The atmosphere was filled with harmony and excitement for the coming test. When people started to finish eating, waiters stopped replacing the food, and music started playing, encouraging people to get up, and move around. As tables emptied, they disappeared with the help of some magic from goddess Thalia.

It didn't take long for the deities to start mingling with the candidates, speaking with them as equals. They stood out from the crowd though, with their bright turquoise eyes and grand aura.

Nyssa lead Zariah into a quiet corner, her turquoise eyes filled with curiosity and determination.

"When are you going to tell them?" she demanded. "They should know that you're-"

"Why do they need to know? It's not going to affect their trials in any way is it?" Zariah interrupted.

"No, but they have a right to know what you are." Nyssa whispered back.

"I'll announce it at after the first trial then." Zariah decided, letting out a sigh.


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