Rooming with seven idiots!

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Lucy's P.O.V


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" this is the place?Looks like it..."

*I went inside the enormous building that had the sign "Symphony Academy" written wide with the colour of a fading blue* "Beautiful i said" *It was my dream school...ive been working my butt off to get a scholarship and it all paid off*

"Hmm....i should probably go to the office"

*Ofcourse i should...its the most obvious choice since im new...anyways i saw a girl with stunning short blue hair that was no longer than her sholders.I approached her and asked where the office is*

"Uhmm..excuse me" i said while tapping on her shoulder.She turned around and ofcourse asked whats wrong. *she tilted her head and said:

*I was about to go sarcastic and say "Oh no i just wanted to randomly tap a bluenettes shoulder" but that sounded rude so i just took a deep breath and said " Yea

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*I was about to go sarcastic and say "Oh no i just wanted to randomly tap a bluenettes shoulder" but that sounded rude so i just took a deep breath and said " new here...mind telling me where the office is situated?" i asked with a bright smile.She then replied with a really excited tone.

??? : "Oh!You must be Lucy are really amazing! You are one of the 9% of people who got scholarships!"

"O-oh...thats nice but uhmm...the office?" i asked impatiently...i flew across the world to come to this school and im freakin tired so i want to get things over with so i can rest!

??? : "Oh right, sorry...i intend to get distracted easily...anyways its at the back building beside the music room..."

"Oh okay thx..." new so how the heck do i know where the music room is? Ughh she said its at the back building so i guess ill explore ther-

My thoughts were interrupted bcuz i accidentaly bumped into someone...

"Oww..." i moaned in pain...i looked at my was bleeding....

"Hey! watch where your goin-" I was about to get mad when i saw his raging face...he looked at me like a psycho... "Uh..."


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