Jariana X2

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The conversation between Mac and Ariana

M- Ariana what the fuck?

A- Honey what happened?

M-Don't call honey me...And don't act like you don't know for what i'm talking about...

A- Mac i really don't know for what are you talking about really! 

M- About the comment of Justin on the photo that Fredo shared like 10 minutes ago... He said that your hot and he loves you? Like what the fuck? Do you have something with him Ariana? Because he isn't stupid to call you hot and say's he loves you when he knows that you have a boyfriend...

A-Mac what the fuck are you saying? Just because of one stupid comment you are accusing me for cheating? I can't fucking believe you. And its just one comment by the way don't make drama.

M-Ariana i'm asking you again do you have something with Justin? Tell me the truth!

A-No i don't fucking have. But you know what if you don't believe in me and in my love for you better go and leave me alone. We are done! Bye!! 

M-What? Ariana i didn't said that!

A-No Mac you did! Now bye i can't keep a relation with someone who doesn't believe me and accuses me for cheating just because of one comment!  Just go and leave me alone! Bye Mac!! 

M-Okay do whatever you want! You are just breaking up with me cause i think you really cheated me with that asshole. Bye cheater.!! 

A-Fuck you Mac!! I hate you so much!! 

M- Yeah yeah... *The message didn't send because you may be blocked* 

After your break up with Mac you started to cry...How could he think that you cheated him with Justin! You had feelings for Justin before you and Mac start the relation but Justin didn't know that so you didn't try to tell him and because of Selena! He was in love with her! You shared a video on your Instagram of the song "One Last Time"  because you was broken for what happened with Mac!! (Sorry cuz video it's longer than 1 minute)

Viewed  by alfredoflores,frankiejgrande,justinbieber and 1,349,818 others.

arianagrande- Broken as hell...Thanks for not believing me. Bye! 

alfredoflores-Love you girl i'm here for you!

justinbieber-Ariana see DM!! 

frankiejgrande-My sister he don't deserve you! 


Ariana is really broken because of what Mac thinks for her and Justin! Justin want's to speak with Ariana but for what? Find out at next chapter! All Love! 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2017 ⏰

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