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Once there was a magical nightingale who granted one wish to whoever deserved it. It lived in the forest of a far away kingdom. It traveled all of the worlds, giving wisdom and granting wishes to whoever deserved it. Sometimes it will grant a wish if it is vital to a different plan even if that person didn't deserve it. The hard part, when it's in the forest, you had to catch it to find out if you could get a wish. Then if you deserve a wish, to make one. Hundreds people have tried to catch the nightingale. Out of the ones who have caught the nightingale, only about a third were worthy of making a wish. The nightingale is a legend, one of the most powerful and magical beings. When you catch the nightingale, even if you weren't worthy, you are recognized and you will become famous for a short while, but it is worth it. This is the story from long ago, but one that is very important...

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