Chapter 37

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Sara's POV

I remeber that when I was around 7 years old I found this acorn one summer. It was deformed and I thought it was so cool.

I wanted to keep it forever so, being seven, I buried it in the ground near my house. I left it there for a long time.

The next summer I came back to dig it up and instead of my special acorn there was a sapling.

I was so pissed that my acorn was gone. I stomped back inside and wouldn't talk to anyone for hours.

Finally my dad had come up to me and sat down. He made me look at him and said "Sara, that wasn't meant for you to keep."

I was angered by his comment "But I put it there so I could keep it!"

"Well now it's going to be something much bigger, something very important to our world."

"What do you mean?"

"It will grow into a big tree, trees help give us oxygen, oxygen is what we need to breath"

I wasn't mad anymore. I was happy that I had caused something so important.


I can't say that I miss them, or that I love them, or even that I want to see their faces again. But I wish I could. But I cant. Never again. If only cancer wasn't such a horrible thing to have, to get treated for.

My name is... was... Sara Trithe, and let me tell you cancer sucks. Especially when you keep it from everyone you love. Especially when you're life is beginning to come together and... it just stabs you in the back. There is nothing brave about cancer, it's a part of you that consumes all the other parts; and there isn't ever enough to satisfy it.

And I died. My cancer killed me. And I hope that I can be the acorn for my friends, for my family. For people I haven't even met. That someone would try to save me and then I'd gone, but my memory would turn into something happy, something helpful.

Sincerely, SaraDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora