Let Me Die

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A.N: This is part two. There will be a part three, and possibly a part four. Thanks to anyone who reads.


He jumped, and emotionally, he felt nothing.

Nothing but a falling sensation. It was freeing. All his anxiety and paranoia and mental breakdowns would be gone, nothing but faded memories in history. It was all going to end. Falling, falling, falling...

A loud snap invaded his ears, and, without warning, pain shot through his left leg. He was still alive. This wasn't supposed to happen, that jump should have very well killed him. Alby's calls got closer and closer, and Newt knew it was only a matter of time before he found him there, laying on the ground, writhering in pain.

Soon enough, he felt someone firmly grab his shoulder. He didn't need to look to know it was Alby. The dark-skinned boy hauled him to his feet, flinging one of his arms over his shoulder so he could support him. Newt wanted to tell him to just leave him there, but he knew Alby wouldn't leave without him, and the Doors would be closing soon. Plus, Newt didn't really have the strength to talk, anyway.

"C'mon, let's get you out of here," Alby knew better than to ask him how it happened; that wasn't important right now. That could wait until later.

Alby and Newt had only gotten about ten feet away from their starting point when they heard a familiar, mechanical whirring sound. Alby looked over his shoulder, dark eyes landing on the large, bulbous creature with weapons protruding from its body.

A Griever.

They weren't supposed to be out yet; the Doors haven't closed. Perhaps WICKED saw what Newt had tried to do and sent a Griever out after him to finish the job, to kill him. It was the only explaination Newt could think of.

The Griever whirred again and charged, making Alby pick up his pace, with Newt in tow, but it was too late. They weren't fast enough. Once in range, the Griever stuck one of its toxic spikes out and knicked Newt in his good leg. After it got him, it quickly retreated back to wherever it came from. Alby couldn't help but wonder what the point of that was.

But he didn't slow; he carried Newt back to the Glade just as the Doors started closing for the night. Once they were safely inisde the area, Alby called for help, for a Med-jack.

Jeff, one of the only two Med-jacks they had, was quickly by Newt's side, helping Alby carry him to the Homestead. "What happened?"

"I dunno what the shuck happened to his ankle, but a Griever got 'im in the leg," Alby's eyes wandered down to the wound, which was, at this point, gushing out blood. They carried him into the Homestead, where Alby saw one of the Newbies, standing there with his mouth agape, eyes wide in fear at the sight of Newt. Alby hissed, "Don't just stand there; get Minho!" The kid didn't budge, just kept staring at the ingured teen. "NOW!"

As the kid bolted out the door, Jeff and Alby hauled Newt up the flight of stairs that led to a hallway. They placed him on a bed in one of the unoccupied rooms, where Jeff examines him. Newt's barely concious at this point. Jeff says, "A shuck Griever got 'im, huh? We still got a few doses of the Grief Serum from the last shipment; better get that in him now."

"No," Newt finally gathered enough strength to say something. He could barely open his eyes. "Let me die. It's what I wanted. Don't waste the Serum on me. Save it for someone who actually has the will to live. Just let me die. Do it. I'm not worth saving."

"Don't you dare talk like that!" Alby yelled just as Minho barged into the room, a distressed look on his face. "Whatever you do, don't give up on me. On us. Everyone in this Glade looks up to you, so once you start loosing hope, they start loosing hope. And we can't have that."

"I said let me die!" Newt's voice became significantly louder. He thrashed and kicked, but Alby attemtped to hold down his arms while Minho took care of his legs. Tears filled the Australian's eyes, but he willed them not to spill. Jeff came towards him with a syringe filled with a clear liquid.

"Keep him still! I won't be able to get the right vein if he keeps moving!"

"We're trying!" Minho shouted, trying to keep him from thrashing around, but it was no use. Newt overpowered him, even in his weakened state. It was no use trying to keep him under control, and if they didn't get the Serum in him soon, he would die. "Okay, Alby, knock 'im out!"

The last thing he felt was more pain, and that would be the only thing he would feel for a while. His whole world turned black as he fell into a dreaming state of unconsciousness...

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