Chapter 3: Creatures....

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~~~Micheal's POV~~~

Micheal was in the kitchen, he constantly arrive to the scene to see the body, he needed more clues. Micheal had examined EVERY aspect of the body, ranging from his clothes, to his bones. He took every sample he could get, and every picture his small little disposable camera could capture. Micheal was tired, as he lay back against the sink, looking around.

                                                         "I hope Georgy comes back," Micheal commented. He turned his head towards the hallway to the living room. Micheal ignored the hallway at first, as he turned back to the body, and started for it. When he froze in his tracks, with a puzzled look. Did he just see a tentacle? Micheal moved his head to the left, as he stared into the hallway. And like he had seen, yes, there was a tentacle in the middle of the hallway. Micheal squinted at it, as he slowly walked towards it.

                                                        "What the-" Micheal started. FWING! Almost as fast as he noticed the tentacle, it was gone. It flung backwards, into the silent darkness of the house. Micheal gasped, as he jumped back in surprise.

                                                       "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Micheal thought. But his thoughts were drowned by the sound of something else, whispers. Across the dark hallway, came the sound of a child's whisper. Micheal's eyes stared in shock, as he started to walk backwards. His arms reached back, as he grasped the wooden table behind him. He stared into the hallway, looking for who was making that noise.

                                                       "Hello? Who's There?" Micheal asked. There was a dead silence, Micheal didn't make a peep, as he continued staring into the hallway. Micheal was tense, as he slowly edged his body to the left, trying to leave as slowly as possible. Micheal was just BARELY in view from the hallway. Just a few more feet and he would be ou-BANG! The tentacle FLUNG to the other side of the room, breaking a top cabinet only a few feet away from Micheal. Micheal shot up to his feet, he screamed at the top of his lungs.

                                                       "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he exclaimed. He could hear the voices of people from behind the front door. It was the officers, they were attempting to get in.

                                                       "HELLO? MICHEA-" he could hear. He didn't hear what the officer had to say, he made a mad dash towards the door. But right before he could reach the handle. FWING! More of these slimy black tentacles, flung in front of the door. They covered it up, preventing a SPOT of the door from revealing itself to the naked eye. Micheal backed up, as his eyes darted from the door, to the ceiling, to the living room, to the kitchen. He ran back into the kitchen, as he looked into the creepy, dark hallway. Micheal looked towards the sink, as his eyes gazed above it. There, laid a window. Micheal smiled, as he ran as fast as he could to it. But he froze at the sight of the window, turning dark black. Micheal frowned again, he backed up, as he looked to the ceiling. It wasn't just the window, the ceiling to. So were the walls, the fridge, the body, the floor. Micheal was astonished, what was happening? 

                                                       "HELP! SOMEONE!" Micheal screamed. But nobody came...By the time he called out, the whole house was covered in glazed black. Micheal couldn't see a SINGLE THING that wasn't black...but him. He felt his body start to ooze out, it felt like a burning sensation inside his ribs, his bones, his heart. He looked to his feet, his eyes bulged. He let out a final blood curdling scream, his body...was pure black.


* A/N: Sorry this was so short! I just wanted to make a short chapter to what happened to Micheal. I hope you enjoyed it though! I'll see you all later! BYE! *

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