the Beginning

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It was the first day of school. Tara walked down the hall, looking for her classroom. Ms. Tanner, Mrs. Drummond, Mrs. Josey, Mr. Walters, Ms Gaylin.. Oh, Ms. Powers. Ms. Powers was new this year. She slowly walked towards the door.

As soon as she walked in the door she were greeted by a blast of cold air. "It's freezing in here!" Tara said. Suddenly Avery bounded over to her with another girl at her heels. "HI!!!! this is Sam" Avery said. Just then their teacher, Ms. Powers walked in the door. Everyone sat in their seats. And so 5th grade began.

Later, at lunch, Tara sat down next to Evelyn, who was humming. They had their own little table, and they were considered the cool kids, but none of them understood why. Naomi had decided to "label" them all,: Tara was the "nerd", Evelyn was the "show-off", Aubrey was "miss Perfect", or, "barbie",

Three weeks later, Ms. Powers announced to the class that because they were learning about history, and human evolution and so on, that they would have Timmy the Time-Travel technician come and talk to them. At this , the class moaned. "But-" Avery began, but was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. Amara ran up to open the door. When she did, she screamed so loud and shrill that the class' ears started to bleed. A chorus of moans echoed through the hallway.

Then it grew quiet as Timmy walked into the door. Amara lay in the doorway behind him. "AHHHHH! IS SHE OKAY???" Ms Powers yelled. Then Leo stood up and yelled, "I'M A DOCTOR!!! STAND BACK! LET THE PROFESSIONALS DO THE WORK!" he ran to Amara,, and picked her up. Suddenly Amara's eyes snapped open. She cooed like a baby and crawled towards Timmy, and then grabbed his head and snapped it off (it was a costume head). Avery shivered.

" what's she doing? She's acting like a baby!" someone yelled. "I think it was the concussion. Sometimes they do that to people," Tara chided.

'Okay, then it is decided. Until she comes to her senses, Amara shall be known as three things: Baby Amara Baby Lady,, and slobbery Amara." proclaimed Ethan.


He snatched the head and Baby Amara started to cry.

"Guys, leave it to me, I have a baby brother at my house." Tara said loudly over the crying. "How can you concentrate?" Ari yelled. "Practice!" Tara yelled and gestured for Ari to come over. "Blow raspberries at her. It normally calms babies down." And so Ari did. The whole class watched in amazement as Tara and Ari blew raspberries at Amara, making her fall asleep.

When she was finally asleep, Timmy marched up to Amara, picked her up, pulled a set of earmuffs out of who knows where, and put them on Amara.

Then he yelled, "YOU EVIL LITTLE BRATS! I WAS GOING TO GIVE YOU THE WHOLE TIME TRAVEL EXPERIENCE, BUT NOOOO! YOU HAD TO BE RUDE!!" "But-"Lena said. "NOOO! I'LL GIVE YOU THE BATTLE TO THE DEATH EXPERIENCE! No, that won't work. You aren't sworn enemies. That was fun! But i'll have to give you the "world is ending, and you have a month to save it or else it goes KA-BOOM, and you can't travel back!'' Yes! Hehe! That will be fun!"

the class stared at him.

"Uh, can we take you somewhere? Like, a mental hospital?" Andrew mumbled.

"Oh... um... what? I'm going to put you in my time machine! The instruction manual is inside!" he piped.

Then he let out a whistle. "OW!!" I have very sensitive ears!" Brayden yelled.

No one could really hear that, because the wall crashed down and a silver sphere the size of the classroom bounded in. the walls fell down like drawbridges, and inside was all silver and white, with enough seats to fit the whole class, and a bigger seat in the front, that was in front of a control pad with a bunch of fancy buttons and levers

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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