Two Silver Arrows: Princess Thora

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My feet race across the forest ground.

My breaths come in short, quick bursts.

Dead leaves crackle under my bare feet. Twigs snap at my arms. Thorns slice at my legs, sharp as the blades of arrows.


Silver arrows.

Just like the ones I am carrying on a pack on my back.

Just like the ones I murdered my parents with.

Why did I kill them? I didn't like their laws. I didn't like how they treated others.

And I didn't like how they treated me.

I was pampered, spoiled, and bathing in all of my wishes.

All of my wishes except for one.

The one for women to be equal to men.

“There she is!” A sharp voice called behind me. “Do not kill her! Only capture her!”

I gasp and begin to run faster.

The loud footsteps of men thumped behind me, growing louder, and louder!

There was no chance of outrunning them, even though my body was racing with adrenaline. I have never been a fast runner, despite my slim body and long legs.

I had to out smart them.

But then where would I go?

They would find me eventually.

And what would they do with me?

What will they do with me?

I nearly ran into a large tree, oak by the looks of it. I yelp and jump out of the way, and then continue running.

I cleared my head of its worried thoughts. Emotional thoughts are dangerous. They slow you down and mess with your mind.

Think, Thora, think! Think about how to use your bow and arrows and the surroundings.

Then it clicks.

I race up to a tree with low branches. Then I swing myself up to the first branch. I place my left foot to the second branch. Soon I am at the top of the tree.

“Where is she?” A knight calls out below. It sounds like Sir Baxton.

I bite my lower lip. If I fire down arrows, they'll know where I am.

If I don't, they could find out where I am... and...

I took my bow off of my back and took a silver arrow out of my pouch on my back.

I fire down one, and another, and three more. There is one left.

I look down. The men are shouting. One is hit in the shoulder, another is hit in the thigh, another knight is hit in his back, and one more is writhing on the ground. I don't want to know where I hit him.

“Look! There she is!” One shouts, pointing at me.

My heart races.

I drop my bow by accident.

“Fie!” I curse under my breath.

I know what I have to do.

I jump from the tree.... And landed in the tree next to it.

I climb down quickly.

I am running again. Running with no destination.

Running because I am a murderer.

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