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(sorry u had to wait so long for this but here u go Bri)

it was u and Roc's 2nd year anniversary and Roc was taking u somewhere special

Brianna: bae wear u taking me and who gone watch the twins?

Roc: first its a surprise and second I already took care of that I called my mom and asked her can she watch them for a the weekend so we could have some time together without the kids

Bri: Awww thanks bae but u know I hate surprises

Roc: I know that's y I did it

Bri: whatever

Roc: well u need to go and get dressed cuz u know u take long to get ready and u move so slow

Bri: boy bye, but let me get ready

Brianna Pov

I took a quick ten minutes shower den I put on a black fitting dress with my silver pumps and put on some lip gloss and and little bit of mascara then I went down stairs to find Roc and the kids

Roc: wow bae u look good

Bri: I know I do

Roc: funny,huh?

Bri: no I'm juss stating true facts

Roc: oh is that what ur your doing

Bri: yepp

Roc: Well let me get ready now

Bri: K

*30 mins later*

Roc: now let's take the twins to my moms

Bri: iight *yelling* Cj( Chresanto Jr.) and Chrissy come on

*in da car*


sorry u had to wait so long



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