Chapter One Bad Boy

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It was a cold rainy evening in Berk most villagers are inside their house, But not most of them. There was this boy who was feared all over Berk. His name is Jackson Gothen, he was a very sneaky theif always stealing money, weapons, and sometimes food. He was hated by every one in the village. He also has his own dragon.

A deadly nadder named Jason. His stripe patterns were grey and black wich blends perfectly during night time. His body is mostly grey but it still helps him sneak around. This time he's aiming for something big. He wants to get Hiccup's new project. A sword that uses a zippleback's spark and monstrous nightmare gel to make it flame. Its also known as the inferno. Hiccup made two, one for him, and the other is a prototype. Jackson wanted to grab the one that was made for Hiccup since he knows that He won't give himself a prototype. Jackson suited up and was ready to go to Berk. As the cold wind of the night blew his soft brown hair he grabbed Jason and sat on his back looking so fearless and brave. He gave Jason a smile which meant its time to go. Jason extended his wings and flew all the way to Berk. He landed near the docks and from that point he started to be quiet. He climbed the wall near thee docks which leads behind a house near the village. He climbed the house in which was the nearest to the docks. From that point he started to do parkour from house to house.

 From that point he started to do parkour from house to house

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He was getting closer to Hiccup's house. But the more closer he gets the more guards he see's. Their probably prepared. Since Jackson comes every night. He hid behind two barrels in the middle of two houses. Two guards were gonna come near him. He already knew what to do. When the guard were as close as they could to the barrels, Jackson knocked them both out by bumping their heads with each other. While no one was looking he quickly ran to Hiccup's house and broke in through the window. He didnt see anyone nearby so it was good to snoop around. And at that moment he saw the two inferno's near the furnace and it still has a little fire glowing too. Jackson had to choose from one of the inferno's, he took the one with on the left and turned around to walk out the door. When he turned he heard someone saying " Miss something Jackson?" It was Hiccup all along! Jackson grabbed a fake one and sowas the other one. They were both fake cause the real one was in Dragon's Edge. It appears Hiccup finally out-smarted Jackson. "Well, well, well if it isnt mr. Pegleg" Jackson said. "It appears I finally caught the infamous Jackson Gothen" Hiccup said. Jackson gave him a smirk and said "Well you havent caught me yet!" He then jumped out the window and landed outside his doorstep. Hiccup then ran downstairs and opened the door. Hiccup shouted "DON'T LET JACKSON GET AWAY!". The guards heard and chased after Jackson.

Until Jackson reached a cliff. He was in a dead end and if fell down he would be sleeping with the fishes.
The guards caught up to him and said "surrender now or else" Jackson raised his hands up and slowly walked back wards until he reached the edge of the cliff. He then looked down and saw Jason down there. So Jackson turned to the guards and said in a sarcastic voice "Oh well I guess youve got me" when the guards got closer Jackson said "phsych!" He then backfliped off the cliff and Jason caught him and flew off. One of the guards shouted "HE'S GETTING AWAY!" then Hiccup came with Toothless and said "Not if I have anything to say about it!" Hiccup and Toothless went in full speed as he chased Jackson, though Jackson had an idea to out run him. He saw a cliff in the ocean and there was a huge gap under the huge cliff and thats where Jackson's idea starts.

When Hiccup and Toothless was just about to catch up to Jackson and Jason, he jumpe up while Jason just kept flying from under the cliff

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When Hiccup and Toothless was just about to catch up to Jackson and Jason, he jumpe up while Jason just kept flying from under the cliff. Once Jackson landed on top he ran as fast as he can. Hiccup was confused he didnt know which one to follow so they just kept on flying. Once Jackson was near the edge he jumped off and below him he saw Jason. As he getting ready to land on Jason, Hiccup caught him! And Jason had no choice but to follow Hiccup back to Berk. Theyve got back to Berk at dawn.

When they landed Jackson was sent to prison

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When they landed Jackson was sent to prison. They said Hiccup has something for him. He will be meeting Hiccup at noon. No one knows what Hiccup will do to him, but they say the chief will be there.

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