Chapter 9 problem solved

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I know its going to end just one more chapies to go so please comment I will be constantly waiting but I'm disappointed 😞 so please comment thank you

Swara ragini laksh and kavitha waits for doctor to come out

Doctor comes out.

Doctor : sorry heavy blood loss pray to God chances are seldom

Kavitha shouts and faints,ragini holds her.
Swara cries

Laksh ask doctor to save him at any cost. Doctor nods and goes.

Swara run to temple. Ragini tells laksh that she thinks kavitha is in love with sanskar.

Laksh : but sanskar didn’t even know her

Ragini : some love is left unspoken.

Swara stares at lord krishna

SHE then bends down and cuts her hand.

Swara : oh god take my life but leave sanskar

She begins to pray for him. She recites the mantras. There ragini and laksh also prays. Kavitha woke up but didn’t speak anything.

Swara gets weak. Sanskar struggles In his bed. Doctors try their best.

Swara : god give me a chance,

She then sees a blur image of sanskar before her. There sanskar gradually loses his breath.

The breath of sanskar goes down slowly making the blurt image brighter and brighter before swara.

She gets afraid, she cried

Swara,” sanskar the moment I saw you I felt I’m safe, the moment when you asked me to move into your house I felt I’m wrong, the moment when you asked my hand I felt I’m blessed, from a stranger to soul mate things were always right with you but I was wrong, being a good soul you loved me, being the guilty soul I loved you, it was never your desire to leave me, it was all my desicion to love you, you loved me admist of all problems, I may live with you but not harm you, I may left you but cannot forget you, it’s always been me the problem of your life, bit you still loved me waited for Me now struggling for me, but I being so guilt gifted you only problems and pain, so once and forever god take me and make him live happier please. I need this punishment I’m so selfish but what’s my mistake, I’m drowned in his love lost myself…”

Her tears almost covered her eyes the slowly wipes everything of and all that she could see is God’s idol and nothing not his image. She felt relaxed.

Sanskar heart beat gradually raised, doctors continued their proceedings, sanskar opened his eyes suddenly for a sec and then closed slowly. Doctors smiled at eo.

Doctors : your friend is now alright you can see him

Before doctor could just finish his sentence kavitha hurried to get in. Laksh when tries to resist her ragini holds him and kavitha rushed in. Laksh looked ragini confused. Ragini smiled at him and said ,”let her”.

She then called swara and told everything. Swara regained instant energy and ran to hospital smilingly.

Swara entered the hospital. She ran to the room she looked at then through the glass door. They all were happy faces. Sanskar seems to be fine. She smiles at him and thinks for a bit and then she wipes of her tears and thinks god gave him a chance just because swara agreed to go away from him so she has to go away. She them looks back at him and smiles but still something made her not to go. She then tells to herself ,” true love need sacrifice I love sanskar so I have to sacrifice this life to make him live. I have to leave him” she then turns to move but somebody holds her. She turned and was shocked.

It was kavitha.

Kavitha : won’t you see sanskar

Swara :but..

Kavitha : yeah I love him that’s why I want to steal him from you. What to do whenever you talk about sanakar my heart beat for him. I want to make him mine that’s why I potrayed him bad before you and I made a accident to make you lose your memory. Kavitha is not bad. It’s just that everything is fair in love. I’m sorry. I realized my mistake. I went to meet sanskar and I asked sorry to him but he leaving all that asked about you. That when realized your love. I told him I loved him a lot he then asked me you can’t see your love in pain right, how do you expect me to see Me swara In pain, and then after all sanskar told me how could not listen to him. I asked apology to him. I’m leaving you all once again sorry.

Swara hugs her and turns she found ragini laksh and sanskar smiling st her. She runs to sanskarand hugged him tightly. Sanskar smiles.

Kavitha :bye guys keep smiling

Swara :but kavitha I’m sorry for your love

Kavitha : don’t be swara, some people can just be in our heart not in fate.

Sanskar : kavitha take care

Kavitha : wow you asked me to take care, I’m happy now I will, and you take of swara and laksh you too take care of ragini

Laksh : do I have aNY other option.

Ragini pats him . Laksh smiles.

Kavitha to smiles and goes,

Swara : so sorry sanskar for everything. And I don’t have any idea about kavitha love for you

Sanskar : leave it swara what to do all girls just go head over heels for me

Ragini smilee. Swara and laksh beats him at same time.

Sanskar : ooch swara beaten me it’s ok oii laksh why did you

Laksh : then what are you think only hero I’m here okay ?

Sanskar smiles laksh too hugs him. Swara and ragini hugs eo and they smiles

Sanskar : ragini told me everything if thing are associated with you then why it’s harms ragini and what actually disturbs you swara. We have to find it out

Swara : aree baba now relax we will sort it out okay.

Ragini and laksh comes out. Ragini looks disturbed.

Laksh : I know why you are tensed. Even I don’t trust kavitha but sanskar told me whether kavitha is good or bad nobody can separate them okay now be relaxed

Ragini : I’m not thinking about kavitha, I had a dream swara and sanskar are not together. I don’t know what really happens but we all are separated you are accusing me for a death and leaving me and I’m too crying for a death. I don’t know who died whether sanskaror swara but I’m sacred.

Laksh : hey stupid don’t talk like that I’m not going to leave you and nobody is going to die okay

She rest herself in his shoulder. He pats her.

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