Chapter 2: The Body

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All Might nervously tapped the green haired adolescent on the cheek. Maybe he had put a little to much into that punch, as the weakness from his injury over took him he noticed he wasn't able to regulate his power as well any more. As the child began to stir he breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness he was ok. The next few moments were a blur for the blond haired hero. He dealt with so many admirers a day that he simply put himself on auto pilot, giving his usual speech and jumping off into-
That kid was holding onto his leg.
This was gonna be a long day.


Izuku stood in-front of All Might, eyes squeezed shut, on the verge of tears. He could hear the mocking voices of his classmates reverberating inside his skull. A hero? You? But your quirk is so... You are just a worthless Deku.

"D-Do you t-think I could become a hero and save people like you with a weak quirk like mine?" But when Izuku unsealed his eyelids, he found something he was not expecting. Skinny, weak, emancipated even. This was not All Might, it couldn't be right? The Symbol Of Peace couldn't look like this could he? He sucked in a shakey breath, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to find to right words to express his shock. But All Might beat him too it.

"Yes young man, this is what I really look like. You want to know if you can become a hero with a weak quirk?" All Might pulled up hips white shirt to show him his horrendous scar, his face as solemn as the atmosphere being set. 
"I got this from a villain a few years ago. Half of my respiratory organs and my entire stomach were destroyed. Ever since then it's been harder and harder to stay in my muscle form. Right now I can only work for about three hours a day." If Izuku hadn't been in shock before, he surely was now. His legs felt like jelly and they began to buckle at his boney knees. Three hours? No way. His head was spinning.

"T-Toxic Chainsaw?" He mumbles out, ever the fanboy. All Might gave a snort.

"You know your stuff, but that guy couldn't keep me down for long." All Might grabbed at the air, rolling his fingers into an indignant fist.  He held the pose for just a moment before letting out a sigh, dropping his head.
"I want to be able to cheer you on kid, I really do. But heroes are constantly putting their lives on the line and for you to do that with a quirk like yours?" All Might let out an exasperated breath, he really didn't want to crush the kids dream like this. But it was for his own good.
"I'm not saying you shouldn't dream young man. You should just keep your dreams realistic. You said you wanted to help people? Try the police force, they get made fun of because they get the villains delivered to their doorstep, but they make good work." He said already making his way to the staircase, he swung open the door to his escape root before looking back at the boy. He looked crushed. "I'm sorry young Midoriya, you cannot be a hero." The words felt empty and hollow, but it was what the kid needed to hear.

Izuku stood there, long after the metallic clunk that signaled All Might's absence echoed across the rooftop and eventually died on the streets bellow. He knew this was going to happen, he shouldn't be so upset. He began to walk, his legs moving on his own as he was completely set on auto pilot. The city scape was shaken by an explosion, Izuku could feel his head pop up like a gofer, a villain atta-You cannot be a hero his head slowly lowered remembering the words his hero had said. Instead trudging aimlessly through the streets, filtering through the mob of people like just another face in the crowd. Another rumble, closer this time. He peaked his head up this time not out of excitement, but confusion. Did my legs take me here on there own? Even as he questioned himself he wormed his way through the mob of people in front of the police barrier. Stop It just feels so pointless. But of course his fanboy body wouldn't listen, he had to see the villia-no way. Every muscle in Izuku's spindly body was pulled taught, his breathing stopped before coming in quick and ragged bursts. I-It couldn't be him, A-All Might captured him. But the more he stared the less he could deny, the slime villain from earlier had some how escaped and he was suffocating another student. Izuku's brain began to hum with possibilities, theories anything to explain the nightmare before him. W-Wait did I? The young freckles man reeled in shock, It's all my fault, I-I knocked it out of All Mights pockets. Izuku was so busy nearly having a panic attack he almost missed it when the boy locked his un-mistakable crimson eyes with his own.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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