Chapter 6 - Witchcraft

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Everything hurt. I couldn't see, hear, or feel anything, but I tasted copper and smelled death. I couldn't move. Still paralyzed... I thought. My throat was raw I and my lungs craved air. My heart was slowed, as were my thoughts. Then; a breath, my breath, short and quiet, broke through the silence.

My mind replayed the hospital escape like a picture feed. Hudson rushing me out through the doors. Police following a few feet behind. A hiding spot within the garbage. Hudson shaking me, trying to see if I was still alive. A hand being placed among my chest, to feel, to test, to hope for life to return. A chest rising and falling. A sigh of relief. Then, nothing, no one. No Hudson, No mom, no dad. Only me.

He was taken. They must've thought we were dead and left us. Hudson's most likely dead.. The Voice said. Better to just give up.. or, even better, get up and punish them. "" My voice raw, my chest heaving. "I'm stuck here... I can't move." My voice drenched in disappointment. My body is a statue, and my hope is like shredded paper.

But then, movement.

I noticed the eyes before the hair. Emerald green. The Fox, they've found me! But, no, their hair was charcoal-black. She muttered something and touched my chest with two fingers. Then a vibrant and relaxing warmth spread down my spine and all over my body, touching every nerve and skin cell. A mage. I thought in awe. She nodded, seeming to hear me. You can read thoughts? I asked. Another nod. What are you doing to me? I questioned her. A shy smile crept on her lips. "You'll find out soon. Rest. We have things to discuss, and I want full cooperation." She said. But what about Helix? What about my friend?! She sighed. "Tomorrow, you'll have all the answers you need. I promise."
How do I know I can trust you? I was started to get wary of her, why she'd help me when we hardly knew each other. "You can always trust your fellow mages. Now, sleep."
Suddenly my mind felt clouded. My eyelids started feeling as if they had weights on them. I never realized the lack of sleep I had other than the unconsciousness caused by blood loss. The last thing I saw was the mysterious girl muttering. Then, darkness.


Time has passed. She stood among the rubble of the home she once knew. Her hands balled into fists, and her mouth full of venom and hatred. The world trembled in fear beneath her. She heard footfall behind her and turned to face the humans that have done this wrongdoing to her, to her family. Her reasoning clouded, she began to form the Scythe of The Banished. Her chosen weapon for those who dared to test her, and in one swift motion, she took the souls of seven humans. She then turned them against the others in their protected kingdom, and with each soul being taken creates a new demon of her making.

The human's kingdom fell.

She walked through their once fortified walls. She watched the human soldiers fall to their knees in pain, ailment, or death itself. She watched the mothers weep and their children cling to their mother's dress in fear of the sight of the Rogue Mage.

But they know not of what their race has done to her.

Her husband was attacked and killed. Her child was taken, she was alone. Her family's lives were taken in the midst of war, and she decided to do the same to the wretched race. Though she was one herself, she excluded herself from her fellow humans. They were monsters, heathens who have taken advantage of their prosperous skills.

And she plans on ensuing vengeance.

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