So Called Turbulence

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Flying sucks. You get really bad jet lag, the seats are always cramped together, and you get no sleep. Everyone is always cranky, and then there's always that one couple, which thinks that the plane is a freaking Motel.

I'm just sitting here, and already I feel annoyed. People pass by, hitting me with their luggage, and most don't even apologize. It's noisy, but that is one thing I can stand. But it's another thing when people are rude as hell.

When I had arrived at the Airport, I had been informed that I have been moved to the back of the plane along with some of the other passengers. I didn't really mind because we're all going to the same place at the same time, but now I realize that I'm back here with rude ass people. I'm not usually like this, but when you push me to my limit, I end up snapping. And I'm reaching my breaking point.

Thankfully, the passengers that were to be seated in the back of the plane, had took their seat and were now waiting for the flight attendants to instruct them on what to do next.

The flight attendants do the usual "Where the exits are located" skit, and soon the "Fasten you seat belt" sign were up. I quickly tighten the strap and hold on to the armrests. Thankfully, no one had to sit next to me, so I had the row to myself. I felt the plane starting to move. I grasp the arms of the chairs tightly. The plane starts to shake as the plane picks up speed as it goes. I shut my eyes tightly and try to imagine on "Happy" thoughts. But the plane starts to shake violently and I couldn't focus on anything but the plane shaking. My heart starts to thump hard against my chest, causing it to hurt. My arms shake along with the plane, and I feel like I'm going to pass out. But, luckily, before I did, the plane started to settle.

I relax a bit. I look around, and people are just sitting there, reading, browsing the Internet, or just looking at their phones.

How can people be so calm about things like this? I try to make my heart slow down it's pace and wait for the seat belt sign to turn off.

It wasn't long for the light up sign to go dim once again, so I get up and go to the bathroom to rinse off my face.


-Four Months Ago-

"Earlier today, Flight 290 has lost connection with database. No one is sure of the location and whereabouts of the plane at the moment. About 300 passengers including the pilot and its staff were aboard the plane. The last check in we had from the plane been around 2:30am last night and had disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. Reporters have said that the reason for the plane's disappearance is unknown because the plane itself was checked and approved the previous day before take off. The plane was full of gas and nothing appeared to be wrong with it. This is truly a mystery. Updates later at nine. Kate."

"Thanks Jules, now..."

I hear nothing but the water of the sink running and something smash against the ground. My body numb.

Plane... 290? That... That's the plane dad was on.

My heart hammers against my chest. I can't breath. I can't concentrate. My brain is all fogged up with nothingness. I’m so confused. This can’t be happening. Maybe I misheard the flight number. I look over at the T.V. to make sure I’m being stupid, but the red “Flight 290” is up on the screen. I can see white spots in my vision. What’s going on? I need to snap out of it. I need…? No, it’s not what I need at the moment.

Mom. Mom needs to know.

"Mom! Mom!" I run to her rom, but it’s really more of stumbling, and see my mom staring at the small T.V. that my dad insisted on getting for their bedroom.

I see my mom stricken with fear, holding onto her shirt. Tears streaking down her face. I slowly reach out to her. Wanting to let her know that it'd be okay, and that we still have each other, and that they'll find him. But I know that if I said that, then I'd be lying.

It won't be okay, they were crazy in love. We won't have each other, the fear that my mom would take her own life for her husband. He wouldn't be found, because that's not how life is.

"Mom..." I whisper.

She stares at the ground, and that's when I know. She won't be able to get through this, because she knows the truth. She knows that he's gone, and it won't be long until she'll be gone too.


I wake with a shake. I look around, dazed. It seems to be about 1 in the morning, and people get woken up as well.

The plane shakes again. I start to panic. The seat belt sign automatically flickers on again.

"Sorry, but I believe that we'll be feeling a bit of turbulence." He ends, but he didn't sound sure, he sounded as if her were questioning himself.

What's going on? I sit up straight and fasten my seat belt. I look around, and it seems that everyone around me heard the doubt in his voice, because they too, seemed as worried as I was. I grasp the arms of the seat again, my hands shaking with fear of dying on a plane like my dad had.

All of a sudden, the oxygen masks fall from the ceiling. I look around desperately, hoping that people knew that it really was turbulence. I try to reach out to the mask, but I can't, I'm frozen. I strain to hear, hoping that the pilot would say that we were just passing threw bad weather, or to just dismiss the masks. But even I knew that it was pointless.

I'm going to die. Maybe it won't be all that bad. I'd be able to see my parents, that's a good thing right?

Everything turns black.


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