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Brandon or you okay your bleeding

Yeah im fine me and my boyfriend got into a fight

Oh you never called me back

Yeah i told you he wouldn't like that

Well do you got a place to go


Come on you can come to my place for the night no funny stuff im just trying to help you

Ok thank you

I got into rico car in put all my things inside he started to drive i then get a phone call i thought it was Jon but it was jhacari

Hey bro

What up

You trying to go out tonight

No im tire i just want to lay down

Alright this men is taking me to his house for some smoke you want me to bring you a bag

No i don't smoke in be careful

I will

Love you

Love you too

End called

Who was that just my little brother

You got brothers and sisters

Yeah im not the only child

He smile

We pull up to Rico house in we get out his car i took all my things out in he help me he locks his doors and turn his car off he unlock his door to his house in it was beautiful we get inside in its clean in it like this men is rich

you can go upstairs take a shower if you want the towels and the raggs is in the bathroom there a guest bedroom to the left

Thanks rico

I go up stairs i open the door and i go inside the room it was beautiful i get in the shower in change into my pj in i lay down to go sleep wondering what jon doing

Jon p.o.v

Im tire of getting hurt i been in two relationships i didn't want to hurt brandon but he got to learn to stop doing this to me i love brandon we been though it all so right now im at a club in im going to drink my night away


I wake up with a hange over to much drinking i get in the shower and get dressed brush my teeth in head out to the park

I wake in the comfy bed i slept good
I brush my teeth get dressed and go see what rico was doing he was working out he had a gym in his house

Morning brandon


How you sleep

Good you have a nice house

Thank you im about to go out help your self to anything that you want

thank you bye


I go over to the kitchen in i make me some toast in some eggs in pour me some apple juice

Ring ring ring ring ring ring
Please leave your messag-
Called end

Im trying to called jhacari but he not answering i wanna called jon but i wanna give him his spaces

I called an uber in it got here 5 mins later i told him to take me to the mall
I pick a few clothes in got some food

Hey nala

Oh hey brandon

What you doing here

Just getting some stuff

Oh have you heard from jhacari

Yeah he at home past out sleep

Oh well when you go back home can you tell him to text me


Bye nala


Ring ring

Jon can i go back home

You done cheating on me

Im sorry it won't ever happen again

Yeah u can come back

Love you

Love You too

Called end

I got back to rico place im packing my thing's up in taking an uber back to my baby

Hey you leaving

Yeah thanks for letting me stay

Anytime when ever you need a friend just call me

Thank you i will

I left rico house in why im calling an uber an unknown text me

You got what i want in i will go threw anybody to get to you

They send me a pic of jhacari he dead

Goodnight comment and vote any missed spelling sorry

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