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'annyeong' youngjae give a a sweet smile

i stay at that position for a minute then i came back to reality then i back on my feet (?)

i always had a lil crush towards youngjae oppa and also .. jinyoung oppa hehe >~<

'kwenchana?' jinyoung from the back asked worriedly

'nae~' i replied

'thanks oppa >0<' i gave a smile at youngjae

'Heyyyy jae in ahh!' bambam called me with a swag way.

'Oik who ask you to talk to me casually hah?' i asked sarcasticly

'hey you are older than me only for a day. why you acting like you are 2-3 years older than me hah? want me to punch you eyy?' bambam replied acting like he's going to punch me

i just pouted

'hey dont treat nuna like that' yugyeom told bambam

'hey? HEY? YAH maknae aa why are you talking casually with me ah?' bambam acting like he's angry

'ehe mian hyung' yugyeom said

'come inside first, i'll make you drinks' i offered them

'yeah! thats my gurl' jackson said

i lead them to the living room then i went to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate

as i finished, i served the hot chocolate on the table.

at that time, here's come my annoying brother from the back

'jae in ah, where's your stuff?' jaebum asked

i pouted showing where my baggage is

'thanks' i said

'thanks? what for?' jaebum asked curiously

'its an advanced thankyou for putting my baggage in the car hehe' i said cutely

'heol? not me but its you who should put it for yourself. oh and why are you bringing lots of baggage?'

'bruh, mom leaving me for 3 years. so you expect me to bring 5-6 pairs of clothes?' i explained

'wait what mom said thre- OHHH OKEY mom said to me you'll be staying with me for 3 then suddenly the call end. i thought it its only for 3 weeks but 3 year??? WAIT! SO THAT'S MEAN I'LL BE WITH YOU FOR 3YEARS?' jaebum panicked

'yeap' i replied short

'fuckyou' jaebum give an annoyed face

'fuck you too >3>' i replied.

'what ever now lets go' jaebum replied

youngjae and jinyoung help me with the baggage then we're off to their dorm


so thats it for chapter 2, sorry its kind of boring huehue. dont forget to comment and vote 💯💓

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