Chapter 2: Homecoming

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As he went home, he stopped first on the porch and took a deep breath to prepare himself on the series of reactions his so-called family would make.

(Lincoln's Mind): Here we go...

As he opened the door, he was greeted by nobody but two upset faces of his parents, in which they asked him a question...

Lynn Sr.: Where have you been young man?

Lincoln: ...

Rita: Talk to your father when he speaks to you Lincoln.

(Lincoln shaking his head)

He left his parents dumbfounded as he was going upstairs, though he was concerned that his parents would kick him out without his squirrel suit on, but as he looked back he saw that they were out of his sight and he just shrugged  looking back at the stairway, he's preparing himself even more than when he was on the doorway because he knew that it's him against his sisters this time knowing that he'll be more in trouble if they found out he doesn't have his suit. But he didn't care and he moved on...

(Lincoln's Mind): This is gonna be much worse... But this is the price they paid for treating me like trash...

As he got on the second floor, he's slowly finding his way back to his so-called room, which is a linen closet, which he got to safely but little did he found out that a beast was waiting for him on the other side...

Lynn: Hey Linc, what'cha doin?

Lincoln: ...

Lynn: I'm beginning to wonder, what happened to you?

Lincoln: ...

Lynn: But that doesn't matter, what really matter is, WHERE IS YOUR SUIT?!

Lincoln: ...

Lynn: Answer me, where is it?!

Lincoln: ... (Shooking his head)

Lynn: If you don't tell me where is it, I'll tell everybody!

Lynn punched him in the stomach leaving a bit of pain, but he didn't care. He walked out of the room finding that his sisters were on the hallway with very pissed off faces on him... He was scared but he didn't show it because he was angry at them. Then a few seconds later he soon found his parents and Lynn on the side of the top of stairs with very angry faces...

Lynn Sr.: Alright Lincoln, care to explain what happened to your suit?

Lincoln put his hand up indicating that he's getting something he went in his room and got out with a notebook and pen and wrote the words "I LOST IT" on the notebook. This in turn shocked everybody and then got angry at him, especially Lynn and his parents.

This made Lynn so mad that he tackled Lincoln and beat his face a bit hard and caused him to spit out a bit of blood and had one right black eye. This continued until his dad decided to speak up.

Lynn Sr.: Alright Junior that's enough! Lincoln Loud, we are very disappointed in you! Losing your suit like that is a very irrespinsible act young man! You are grounded for 5 months, and you cannot fo anything besides school. Luckily for you I didn't kick you out because you're bad luck right now, which is why you cannot attend any activities of who knows what might happen to any of us if you came along.

The last sentence made Lincoln look down even more and much more angrier inside... But he didn't show it, so that he may not foil his plans....

Lynn Sr.: Now, go to you room and think about what you've done.

As his parents went downstairs he nodded at what they said. He was a bit happy because he'll be no longer interacting with his horrible sisters. Because one by one they all (Except Lily) said mean things to him and gave hurtful glances as they left...

(Lincoln's Mind): (Scoffs) Whatever, it's not like they care about me...

He went to his room and lied down an thought what he should do the next day...


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