Children of the Salvage

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An erenxreader fanfiction

Colossal, frightening

sitting on the throne of kings

In a cage filled with tigers

We stare into their jaws and we hear them sing:

We are the children of the salvage

The warriors of the world

We live on the rampage

Yes, hear our voices...

They were gone.

There was no point turning back.

As you scanned the area, you could see charred bodies, arms, legs, smeared with blood.

People, screaming in pain and agony. Screaming to be heard. Screaming for the ones who they love, and will never come back.

It was an utter disaster. You were in a midst of smoke. The scary smell of blood lingered around you.

Alone, you were.

The lives of your loved ones taken and ripped out from their bodies, and being eaten by those horrible monsters.

Monsters we call 'Titans'.

"E...eren?" you mumbled. "Where are you? Why did you leave me?"

Your mind started to go in a blurry state. You looked around you. 

"Armin?" You said, "Why are you lying flat on the ground? Stop messing around, Armin! PLEASE!" you said and poked Armin's lifeless, cold bleeding body.

Armin was facing flat on the ground. He was lying hand in hand with a girl tying a ponytail with black flowing hair and deep chocolate eyes labelled with shock.

They were both still and silent, bodies frozen.

And dead.

''HOLY SHIT..." You gasped and covered you mouth.

"(Y/N)!" a cracked voice called out your name from behind. 

"Eren..." You cried, embracing your friend.

"Armin is dead! What do we do?" You screamed, as warm tears stung your cheeks.

"I.. I know..." Eren said in a soft voice. You could feel Eren's tears on your shoulder too.

"Mi...Mikas..a.." He muttered.


He hesitated and then nodded with collasping to the ground. You stared at him in shock.

An errie silence was errupted with Eren's continuous sobs.

"The titans... are all wiped out... H..humanity wins..." Eren said between sobs, choking the words out.

I fell to the ground next to Eren.

"Is there anyone else besides us?" You whispered after the both of you had calmed down after the situation.

He nodded, "Corpal Levi is around... I hope Erwin is..." He mummbled.

The cold hard ground that we laid down on suddenly felt like if lifted.

The smoke cleared.

And all you could see in front of you was the place you had been longing to see.

The Ocean.

A magnificent sight it was.

The sapphire waters sparkled in the reflection of the sun. You could taste freedom in the air.

tears rolled down your cheeks once more but now, you had a smile.

This was what humanity was fighting for.

All along, we were the children of the salvage. But now no more.

Eren got up, his hand slowly crept into yours.

You felt a gust of strong wind, as if the spirits of Mikasa and Armin were by your sides, standing strong and proud.

"Mikasa, Armin, you seeing this? Thanks for all your efforts, you will always remain in our hearts." You and Eren screamed out into the fresh air.

"I like you, (Y/N)..." Eren said softly.

Your heart skipped a beat.

"Me.. me too, you know?" you said, finding the words.

Eren's face lit up and he pulled you into a hug.

We are the children of the salvage

The warriors of the world

We live on the rampage

Hear our voices.

We are the children of the salvage

The warriors of the world

Thank you for your brave souls

You have made my prayers come true

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2014 ⏰

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