Baekhyun Imagine

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Baekhyun imagine for @xballaliciousx

Hope you like it :)


You are still crying, remember what Baekhyun and Yuri did to u.

Last week you were on the way to Baekhyun house, you saw Yuri and Baekhyun were hugging each other.

You were shocked and you ran away.

But Baekhyun happen to saw you running away and he pushed Yuri and chased after you but you were gone.

Is been a week Baekhyun call you and message you everyday, u didnt answer his call.

You didnt went to sch for 1 week.You were at home all day thinking why

Baekhyun and Yuri did that to you.

You decide to go to the park.

On the way to the park you keep on thinking of Baekhyun. You were walk on the road suddenly a car was horning *beeeeep*

You felt that someone was pulling you back.

You turn back to look and you saw...the one who pull you back was...Baek....Baekhyun

You saw Baekhyun arms was bleeding,you were so worried and ran to him.

You help him to a bench nearby and start to clean away his blood for him.

Baekhyun: Y/N will u forgive me?

You (Y/N): ....

Baekhyun: *explain what happen that day* After he explain to you, you went to hug him

Baekhyun :Y/N you are the only one I love, I'll nvr leave you

Y/N: Me too, Baekhyun saranghae


Hope you guys like it!^^

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2014 ⏰

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