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    Slowly released your eyes from a pitch-black scenery. Your face pressed against the firm pebbles scattered across the pewter shore. Fresh gusts of wind and splashes from the water whipped your cheek and whistled sand to your cracked lips. Hanging in the air, the aroma of saltwater stung your nose.

    But that didn't matter at the moment.

    With close to no trace of memory left, you had no idea where you were – how or why you lay astray near the rock pool of a beach. No matter how many times your brain had explored for at least one piece of evidence, it always ended up in a state of feeling like spewing all over the sand. Amnesia ... Was this it? You'd never experienced it before – clearly, you needed to find something – anything to jog your memory.

    But in search for anything your eyes could, there was no luck. The beach was dead as the sky, and seemed big as a whole island.

    As you reached out to support yourself for movement, you winced in agony ever so loudly. Peered down at your body, groaning. A long, thin and bloody slit drew a line halfway through your left leg as though emphasising a half. Your ankle was at least sprained, while several grazes and scratches told violence. In this state, was help even reachable?

    No of any communication; of course, a cell phone would have helped, but that was out of the question. There wouldn't be signal in a dismal, deserted place. And after a few moments of disturbing inhales and winces, you eventually gave up; burst into tears. Even screaming for help ten minutes straight didn't get you anywhere – it only succeeded a scratchy voice. Was there anything out there who could help?

    That was when the weariness of your body had given up. You lay there almost lifelessly, the back of your mind hoping for some sort of fantastical miracle to happen.

    But the sound of loud feathers ruffling and the feel of skin-to-skin contact with a warm body caused a rush of adrenaline, just as you were about to shut down ...

    "Shh... I've got you now."

Fiend Classes (Jin Kazama x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now