"We can Work This Out..." chapter sixteen

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And the long waiting is over! Justin’s going back here, and I heard he will stay in their house. So I don’t have second thoughts, I have the strength, and everything I need to forgive him. So I already go to their house. And some girl opened the door, I wonder who is she? Is Justin lied again.

But no, I’m here to forgive him. I don’t care who this damn girl is.

SELENA: Uhmmm, is Justin there?

GIRL: Who is it?

SELENA: Selena. I’m his friend.

GIRL: Ah okay, come in.

SELENA: Thanks.

GIRL: Just sit first on the couch and I will call Justin.


And the girl called Justin upstairs, and I saw Pattie walk across me. And she smiled at me.

And I saw Justin walking downstairs, and it’s seems like he was happy to see me. And he walks towards me and we talked.

JUSTIN: Hey, Selena.

SELENA: Hey Justin. I heard that you’re not dating someone? But is that your new girl?

JUSTIN: Who? Janice? No she’s my cousin.

And I feel like I’m happy inside, shouting! But I don’t have a reason to be happy if it’s not his girlfriend right?

SELENA: I’m here, to tell you something.

JUSTIN: Yeah me too. Look Selena, I’m really sorry from what I did to you before. I mean I really don’t mean it.

SELENA: Yeah that’s why I’m here. I ready to forgive you. I mean you are forgiven.

JUSTIN: So does this, mean we can be friends again?

SELENA: Yeah, I think so.

JUSTIN: Selena thanks.

SELENA: For what?

JUSTIN: For everything.

And Justin hugged me tightly, just like how he did it before.

And yeah, we’re friends again. So we hanged out that day. And it seems like we miss each other a lot. We had such a great time. We eat burger, walk, and watched a movie and talk. And I remember when he goes back here before. Those things happened before. We really bond it like before.

"My Happy Ending" A Jelena Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now