Keeping fit over break

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Over Winter break you may feel relieved not doing any swimming but when you get back you may feel differently about the break you've just had. Obviously cutting down from many hours to 0 will feel like heaven however when you get back your fitness will be obviously be decreased. Here's a few ways to keep in shape...

1.Try to get into the pool just doing some casual swimming.
2. If your pool is actually shut, not just the club, then try doing some exercises and if you already do some increase reps on the individual exercises.
3.Take part in an active after school club or go to the gym
4. If you don't want to do any of the above then you could try cutting down on the amount of food you eat, as your body won't be burning as much calories as before. Eating more fruit and veg can make you feel healthy, why not try a healthy smoothie.
5. But if you find this hard then at least move around, instead of watching tv all day.

I often do all of these when I'm on break but I can be guilty of doing nothing and just watching Tv. I often find cutting down on food extremely difficult because I normally eat A LOT of food!
I'm probably not going to post till after Christmas so Merry Christmas, or if you don't celebrate Christmas then have a happy holidays!

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