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        "Rachel, Rachel,Rachel!"

shifted around in my bed hoping to get away from this noise that was waking me up. I thought I succeeded for a second until I heard this


   I realized it was my older brother who had woken me up. He never fails to make me laugh with his annoying voice and vocabulary. Ugh he's almost as bad as trashmouth. Oh yeah forgot to mention him. Trashmouth Tozier. He's always been the schools funny yo mama on crack guy. I know that because when I first moved here maybe a week earlier I went to check some things out. The park, the school, the lake. I didn't have any friends so that's where I went when I had some free time. I got up, washed myself in the shower, brushed my teeth and hair, got my outfit on and yelled "mom I'm going out, be home soon." She smiled and said "okay but at least take a waffle." I took one and before I could completely walk out my mom starts yelling at my brother for his profanity this morning. I chuckled and walked out the door.

       I was walking into a pharmacy to get some things. I was hungry for some candy and I need to run some errands. I walked into the pharmacy and walked into one of the isle and found a beautiful red-headed girl. She had her hair in a ponytail and some cute freckles. Oh it's Bev. She hid a box behind her back and stood there awkwardly. I noticed what isle this was and looked at her awkward position. "Oh... um it's fine. All us girls get it so theres no need. Trust me we all feel like you." I said in a soothing tone. She smiled and looked at me like she had never been told it's okay to go through these kinds of things. "It's boys we need to worry about" She said with a chuckle. I took one of the boxes of the shelves because I needed some and Bev saw someone that made her grab my hand to walk out the isle. "What happened?" I asked, obviously confused. "Greta. The school slut, bully, and all around bitch." Bev says. I nod as we walk into the next isle and are met with the faces of the three boys. Bev immediately hides the box behind her but I keep it next to me trying to act casually. The box was between me and a shelf and the three boys just stare at me. It was Eddie, billy, and Stan the man. Huh.. where's Rich. "Uh hey." Eddie says awkwardly. "H-hey Bev and Rach-c-chel." He says looking at Bev in pure lust. Actually all of them look at us acting like they've never seen a girl before. They all have millions of supplies in there hand and Stan clears his throat and says "uhh theres a kid out side and he's hurt. He need help but we don't have enough money to get all the stuff he needs" he explains holding up about two dollars. I look at Bev, then the cashier and say "we got it covered." I grab her hand and walk to the cashier, twirling my hair and smiling seductively as Bev followed along. I let Bev take his glasses while talking to him while I just stood there leaning my body in the table. Bev was giving back the glasses and accidentally knocked over a stand. He smiles and bends down to pick them up as I turned to the boys and mouthed GO. Those clumsy idiots knocked over a stand on they're way out. He said we could take our items for free so I took the box and a few candy bars and she took her box and a pack of cigarettes. We were walking out and saw all the boys in a alley by the store. "Holy shit what happened to you!" I exclaimed looking at Ben, shocked. Richie blushed and said under his breath "that's what I said." I smiled and Ben looked at me then Bev right next to me and said "Oh I uh just fell." Then Richie of course added on saying "yeah, right in to Henry Bowers." Bev just rolled her eyes and said to Ben "hey you sure they got the right stuff to fix you up" and winked. He blushed to the point where his face looked like a damn tomato. "Oh yea. Thanks..." he said nervously. Awww he likes her. Wait. I thought she had a thing for Billy. Oh a B love triangle. Ha get it B as in Bev, Ben, and Bill. Okay I'll go home now. Anyway me and Bev were about to go get some ice cream together when we hear something "wa- "Wait!" Bill starts but Richie interrupts. "Oh um were going to the creek-A/N SORRY I forgot what it's called but it's that lake place where they jump of the cliff- later." I smiled and replied "good to know." And with that me and Bev were off to get some ice cream.
Time skip

           I was waking over to the place where I usually do my drawing. It was sort of near the edge but if I fell I wouldn't fall of the whole cliff or anything. I looked up from my notebook as I was walking to my spot and I saw something. Or someone. Boys. Nothings ever good with boys. 4 to be exact. That must be them. Something else caught my eye. A red headed girl walking up to them. She's really pretty. Like a red-headed angel. I decided to say hi knowing that has to be Bev "Hey," I said with a smile. She smiled and said "Oh hey Rachel your here!" She said with a big smile. I smiled and nodded about to say something else but she shushed me and nodded towards the group of boys. They were playing... lougey I think. Ha what a bunch of pussies they won't even jump in. Bev told me what she's going to do and I nodded and went with the plan. We started to walk towards them and I could see them more clearly. " HA yes I won. Losers." Richie said with his usual large glasses.

Woah he was cute. No no he's not. Okay he really is. Is it just me or is it that whenever anyone sees him all they want to do is play with his messy curly black hair. Ughh why do I think like this. Wait why am I talking to myself you dumb dumb.

Before I could finish my brain conversation Eddie says "umm no. You lost, we're judging the competition on mass it's always been mass." Oh my lord this is about the dumbest argument in history. Send help for these children. Even though I believe they're about the same age as me. If not older. I look over at Bev hoping she understands the stupidity of this conversation. She looks at me and rolls her eyes. We start giggling and silently take off our clothes. Apparently not silently enough because all of there heads whip back and they see us striping our clothes off and me and Bev are just in our bras and underwear. I started to feel insecure I mean it's not every day you strip your clothes of in front of a bunch of random kids. It doesn't help that They're all boys and we're girls. At least there not complete strangers. I noticed the I was a bit bigger then Bev. Yea she was pretty like a goddess all but I had developed faster. I wasn't fatter then her. By bigger I mean my umm womanly body parts are noticeably larger I guess? That was really weird to think about.

       I lock eyes with the curly headed boy aka Richie looking like he was trying to come up with a inappropriate comment about the situation were in right now, but he never says one and we both smile. He looks like he's lost in a dream. I Am lost in a dream at his gaze. Look at those freckles. I can't even comprehend before I can look at this dude any longer Bev pulls me past the boys and we are both laughing as we jump of the cliff. Before we hit the water I yell out to the boys "PUSSIES" as me and Bev are falling we hear one of them yell "WHAT THE FUCK!" Before they jump down after us there having another conversation up there. Bev yells "OH JUMP DOWN ALREADY." The first one to jump was bill. Even before I met all the losers I already knew billy. He lives across the street from me and when the moving van came in I saw him across the street with I think his little brother. Georgie. He's such a cute little kid. The next one to come down was him. Glasses. Four eyes. Trashmouth. Richie. For the next hour we just splashed around in the water I think. I sort of lost track of time. After we went back and set up our towels

One of the losers brought a boom box and its started playing as me and Bev were tanning. We both were laying on our stomachs for a while then turned as a new song came on. It's was Bust a Move by young MC. I closed my eyes and just listened to a mixture of the water and the song playing all at once. Bev then turned to me and tapped me. I looked over and she motioned her eyes to all the boys starring at us. Ben and Bill were watching Bev like there favorite show was on and Bev was a damn TV. The same with Eddie, Stanley, and... Richie. This is the closest they'll ever get to a girls almost nude body so I let them soak it in for a few more seconds before I turned to them and they all started coughing around. Idiots. I thought as they failed miserably trying to act like they weren't staring. I started chuckling while me and Bev walked over to the guys while Richie was going through bens backpack. "Newsflash Ben schools out for summah" Richie said in a horrible accent. "Oh this, this isn't school stuff. You see, when I first moved here I didn't really have any friends. So I went to the library to learn more about this new town I moved to." Ben explained. "Wow.. you went to the library? On purpose?" Richie asked cluelessly. "Hey Ben that's exactly how I felt when I first moved here. Instead of going to the library I went here and drew in my book and that's how I met these losers."I said with and understanding smile. He smiled back and said "Well I'm glad to meet someone who understands. Anyway the past of Derry is pretty cool. I have a bunch of stuff back at my house. You guys want to check it out." We all nodded and we were on our way to Bens house.

Wassup. First chapter of my first fanfic so I hope you enjoy. 1910 words!! See ya next chapter. And also GEORGIE IS NOT MISSING. At least not yet...

The losers club -Finn Wolfhard Fanfic-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن